Veterans' Services Consulting

State veterans’ agencies must navigate a complex web of state and federal eligibility and regulatory processes in their delivery of services.

In addition, agencies are under increased pressure from multiple stakeholders to drastically improve veterans’ services and associated outcomes. Such outcomes are expected despite budgetary constraints, limited staff and often an inadequate, aging technology infrastructure. Our solutions will help your agency serve a diverse population of veterans seeking specialized services that vary from health benefits and financial assistance to disability, employment, long-term care, and education.

What's your goal?

To best serve your veterans' most pressing needs, we can customize a solution that targets:

  • Strategy and planning activities
  • Financial consulting and billing services
  • Project and grants management
  • Assessments and feasibility studies


Strategic planning and organizational effectiveness

Our team of experts can help your agency define its mission, values, and goals and create actionable strategic and organizational plans. We can help you effectively manage organizational changes such as service integration or agency re-organization and help your organization develop skills and capacity for continuous improvement. PCG will provide your agency with immediate, actionable recommendations, as well as a roadmap for continuous improvement that can be implemented independently in the future. Our recommendations will strengthen your agency and support your mission to deliver high quality services to a larger veteran population.

Financial consulting and billing services

Whether you are a new leader or a seasoned administrator, understanding your organization’s finances is crucial to ensuring that you have the funds available to provide needed services. PCG can help you increase revenues, improve cash flow, lower costs, and streamline staff production and efficiency. We offer multiple assessment types to assist with understanding key areas of concern that can improve your operations as well as insights into rates, charge masters, financial modeling, and/or service line costs. From financial assessments to billing process improvements to providing billing services, PCG can help you optimize your organization’s financial strength.

Project and grants management

PCG experts can help “drive” the implementation of projects, including technology, strategy execution, and grants. Our experienced staff will lead project planning, execution and coordination, and will work to make sure that your agency reaches its goals on time and within budget. In addition, PCG has experience in grants management. PCG can help your agency capitalize on funding opportunities by helping institute a centralized grants management office, staffing that office, conducting training around effective grants management, and ensuring that the state’s long-term technology solutions incorporate grants management functionality.

Assessments and feasibility studies

PCG has helped states address the multidimensional challenges of today’s veterans by working to re-evaluate existing public programs and infrastructure. States are now serving a more diverse veteran population with very specialized and varied needs, from health (including support for mental health, PTSD, TBI, and others), benefits and financial assistance, to disability, housing, employment, and child care. For many states, the combination of an aging facility infrastructure, the need for additional facilities, and the shifting demographics and needs of their veteran population makes this an ideal time to assess demographic trends and the holistic needs of veterans. PCG can assist your organization with this important work.

Why PCG?

Since 1986, Public Consulting Group (PCG) has helped governments develop plans, optimize resources, improve business processes, utilize performance-based decision making, and improve services to customers. We are committed to helping our clients meet their goals and objectives by providing industry-leading management consulting and technology. Our success as a firm is ultimately determined by improved outcomes for our clients.

Proven Results

In Ohio, PCG examined the current structure and function of veterans’ services at the state and local government levels and throughout the country to identify best practices and facilitate comparisons between Ohio’s model for the provision of veterans’ services and alternative models elsewhere in the U.S. The study assisted Ohio Department of Veterans Services with its goal of continuous improvement in state and county-level provision of veterans’ services.

The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA), sought an experienced partner to provide an agency-wide evaluation of veterans’ benefits and assistance operations. PCG was selected to conduct the evaluation, which focused on enhancing organizational strategy, effectiveness, and operations and resulted in the addition of significant new funding to support key areas.

PCG worked with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS), now known as Executive Office of Veterans’ Services, to conduct assessments of the future health needs of veterans and services available at existing Soldiers’ Home properties. PCG partnered with the DVS again to assess staffing needs for a new Community Living Center facility at the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home. Most recently, PCG led a project to better understand the needs of women veterans in Massachusetts.

The Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs selected PCG to conduct a market assessment and feasibility study to guide planning and development efforts for future long-term care facilities for Commonwealth veterans. This study resulted in recommendations for the placement of a new skilled nursing facility based on a comprehensive review of the marketplace, including state veteran demographics and a 30-year population projection.

PCG conducted a feasibility study for the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs to assess the long-term health care needs of veterans across the state. PCG analyzed the current demographics of Alabama’s veteran population; created a model to project the future demand for veterans’ nursing home beds over the next 30 years; provided recommendations on whether a new veterans’ nursing home should be built and where it should be located based on demand projections; and developed and analyzed projections for the cost of constructing and operating a new home.

The Missouri Veterans’ Veterans Commission asked PCG to study the needs of the state’s veteran population and to make recommendations for any additional services that may be required. PCG conducted a cost-benefit analysis of each recommendation and assessed the feasibility of implementation. Additionally, PCG conducted research to help the state determine how to meet the needs of homeless veterans in Missouri. The Commission later engaged PCG to develop a new model for the Missouri Veterans Homes Program, to expand and enhance support for veterans. This included development of a budget and revenue projection tool, a review of equipment replacement costs, and a three-phased set of options for the Commission to consider that would move the program towards this new model.


More Information

For more information about PCG's Veteran Services Consulting please contact us at or 617-426-2026.