News & Perspectives

Current News

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    Illinois Wins CMS Approval for Medicaid Behavioral Health Services Innovation

    On May 7, 2018, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner announced that Illinois has won federal approval to launch a 5 year, $2 billion Medicaid behavioral health services initiative.  The initiative will be implemented by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services in collaboration with the Governor’s office and eleven other Illinois state health and human services agencies.  Objectives of Illinois’ initiative include...

    • 10. May 2018
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    Los Patojos founder Juan Pablo Romero Fuentes sponsored by PCG at this year’s SXSWedu Conference

    In a school of 300 students 2,500 miles from Public Consulting Group's headquarters in Boston, Juan Pablo Romero Fuentes demonstrates every day the power of an idea that is core to PCG's mission: Education, health care, and human services such as providing adequate shelter, food, clothing, and family resources are all critical services in the lives of young people. 

    • 2. May 2018
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    Mitigating the Loss of the Individual Mandate- State Based Health Insurance Mandates

    In December 2017, the federal administration’s tax bill – the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, phased out the individual mandate requirements, with the penalty for failing to have qualified insurance eliminated starting in 2019. For 2018, the mandate remains, with the penalty set at $695 per adult or 2.5% of household income, whichever is higher.  The individual mandate is cited as one of the tenants of the success of the Affordable Care Act. In order to ensure a healthy risk pool, participation of as many individuals as possible was key.

    • 26. April 2018
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    CMS Releases Final Exchange Guidance

    On April 9, 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the long-awaited final Exchange guidance for the 2019 plan year – the final Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2019 (NBPP) and the final Letter to Issuers in the Federally-facilitated Exchanges (Letter). Together, the NBPP and Letter set forth changes to rules and operational and technical guidance for health plan regulation, Exchange operations (including plan certification and financial parameters), and premium stabilization programs. Most–but not all–of the changes take effect for the 2019 plan year.

    • 26. April 2018