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Current News

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    Kentucky governor files lawsuit in defense of Medicaid work requirement

    On February 23, 2018, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky requesting that the court uphold the state’s newly imposed Medicaid work requirement.  The lawsuit was filed in response to the lawsuit previously filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the new eligibility requirement. The Commonwealth of Kentucky had not been included as a party to the prior action. 

    • 2. March 2018
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    New federal grant opportunity to support state efforts to strengthen the private health insurance market

    On February 5, 2018, the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) released a new Notice of Funding Opportunity to support states as they implement several of the market reforms and consumer protections under Title I of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This grant program is a follow-up to the Health Insurance Enforcement and Consumer Protections Grants funded in 2016. Specifically, the new grant program – known as the State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Grant Program (“State Flexibility Grant Program”) – is intended to provide states with the opportunity to ensure their laws, regulations, and procedures align with federal requirements.

    • 27. February 2018
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    Insights and suggested activities for State Flexibility Grant Program applications

    The State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Grant Program (“State Flexibility Grant Program”) was developed to support states as they implement several of the market reforms and consumer protections under Title I of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This new funding opportunity builds upon many of the efforts currently underway in states related to the Consumer Protection grant funds, which were awarded in October 2016. PCG assisted many states with projects related to those consumer protections grant funds and our team has used that experience to compile the following insights and suggested activities to help states with their grant applications for this new federal funding opportunity.

    • 27. February 2018
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    Administration budget proposal includes health care changes

    The administration released its budget proposal on February 12, 2018. As expected, the proposal includes a number of changes related to health care. The budget plan revives the Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal, with a proposal similar to the Graham Cassidy Heller Johnson bill. Specifically, the budget plan proposes a staged repeal and replace, with the replace being a block grant program for states.

    • 27. February 2018