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    Human Services - Incident Management

    State and local human services organizations have an obligation to ensure the safety of vulnerable individuals under their care. Unfortunately, insufficient oversight related to out-of-date policies or inadequate systems can leave this obligation unfulfilled. Two federal reports issued in January 2018 highlight gaps in program oversight for vulnerable populations and the importance of effective incident management...

    • 20. March 2018
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    Raleigh office helps the Green Chair Project

    On Friday, March 9, several PCG employees from the Raleigh office spent the day helping out with the Green Chair Project.  The Green Chair Project is an organization that provides home furnishings donated from the local community for families and individuals who have transitioned from experiencing homelessness or disasters to secured sustainable housing.

    • 16. March 2018
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    CDC issues new report on the growing opioid crisis

    On March 6, 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report which shows that from July 2016 - September 2017, hospital emergency department visits for opioid overdoses rose about 30 percent in 52 reporting jurisdictions in 45 states. They rose 54 percent in large cities, and 70 percent in mid-western states.

    • 9. March 2018
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    Tackling Rising Prescription Drug Costs- a report on state and federal efforts

    On March 29th, subject matter experts from Health Policy News held a webinar and Q&A to discuss efforts at the state and federal level to address the rising cost of prescription drugs.  Many states are in the midst of their legislative cycles, with the issue of rising pharmaceutical costs on agendas across the country.

    • 9. March 2018