News & Perspectives

Current News

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    Read to be Ready, The Importance of Summer Camps

    Starting next month month,  more than 7,700 Tennessee students will participate in the extraordinarily successful Read to be Ready summer camps the Tennessee Department of Education (DOE) offers...

    • 31. May 2018
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    States Pursue Unique Approaches to Permit Non-Compliant Health Plans

    While much of the attention over the debate over the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has centered at the Federal level, states continue to act as the laboratories for innovation. Last year Health Policy News featured a series of updates on activity around Section 1332 State Innovation Waivers in the states – with a focus primarily on State-based reinsurance and invisible high risk pool mechanisms.  That activity continues – though at a slower pace – with the recent waiver requests submitted by Wisconsin and Ohio.

    • 24. May 2018
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    Movement on drug cost containment at both the State and Federal level

    Health Policy News has devoted significant attention to State and Federal efforts to contain drug costs, including recently issuing a report and legislative tracking tool entitled “ Rising Prescription Drug Costs: A report on state and federal efforts to contain costs”. As we head into the summer we offer readers a few short updates on some of the issues we have been closely following and will continue to track...

    • 24. May 2018
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    Looking to the Future of Workers' Compensation

    Several members of the PCG Health team recently attended the Workers Compensation Research Institute’s Annual Issues & Research Conference in Boston. The conference convenes researchers, regulators, and other workers’ compensation professionals from around the country to discuss trends they are seeing within the industry...

    • 24. May 2018