News & Perspectives

Current News

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    Administration releases the proposed rule on association health plans

    On January 4, the administration released the anticipated proposed rule broadening the ERISA definition of “employer” and expanding the options for small employers seeking insurance coverage, as foreshadowed in the President’s executive order on October 12, 2017.

    • 11. January 2018
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    A look back at major developments in health policy during 2017, and a preview of 2018

    In the following roundup, PCG health policy subject matter experts reflect upon major policy shifts and changes that have occurred in 2017, as well as preview policy developments expected in 2018. With major announcements that will affect 2018 just within the past couple of months, our subject matter experts have chosen a few key topics to reflect upon and provide insights into the potential future implications and policy directions.

    • 19. December 2017
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    Happy Holidays from PCG

    Each year, in lieu of holiday cards and gifts, PCG makes donations to selected nonprofit organizations that support the missions and community interests of our public sector partners, and the populations they serve. This year, we are honored to support the following organizations...

    • 18. December 2017
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    Implications of eliminating the individual mandate through the tax bill

    Work on passage of a final tax bill continued at the time of publication this article, leaving uncertainty over its final fate, composition, and impact. In each of the versions originally passed by each house, however, there were provisions specific to health care. While those provisions are just small pieces of the overall tax bill, they would have significant and serious impacts on health care.

    • 18. December 2017