News & Perspectives

Current News

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    CMS issues guidelines on mandating work and community engagement under Medicaid and approves the first work requirement waiver

    On January 11, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) distributed a State Medicaid Director letter outlining new guidelines for states about mandating work and other community engagement activities for adult Medicaid beneficiaries who are not aged, disabled, or pregnant. CMS defines community engagement broadly, as encompassing activities such as job search, education, skills training, caregiving, volunteer service, and treatment for substance use disorders; and suggests that such activities may be linked to better health outcomes.

    • 19. January 2018
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    PCG at SXSW EDU 2018: 5 sessions on how all students can succeed

    Whether it’s “no child left behind” or “every student succeeds,” our country has long embraced—and legislated—the principle that in U.S. schools, all students deserve to succeed. Here at PCG, we have always believed “all means all.” All students in special education. All English language learners. All students with disabilities.

    • 19. January 2018
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    Public Consulting Group wins Intranet Upgrade Contract with Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    Public Consulting Group (PCG) is honoured to announce that its Technology Solutions unit has won a contract with Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to develop an upgraded Intranet serving the hospital’s 3,000 staff. By streamlining and optimising access to hundreds of policy and procedure documents and other digital resources, the new Intranet will empower Kingston Hospital staff to find information faster and give them back more time to devote to the more than 550,000 patients hospital cares for each year, including the delivery of 5,650 babies.

    • 18. January 2018
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    Budget – Money Is Not the Problem but It’s Not the Solution Either

    For the past decade, funding has been a challenge at every level of government—local, state, and federal. The recession of 2008 was a particularly difficult time for funding across all levels of government, but it was arguably most difficult on the child welfare system as many jurisdictions had to deal with budget cuts brought about by reduced revenue. At the time, state and local government had to review priorities and determine its highest responsibility for prioritizing the distribution of reduced funds.

    • 17. January 2018