News & Perspectives

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    Three reasons apprenticeships are a “win” for workforce development

    With record unemployment numbers and economic uncertainty due to COVID-19, policymakers and industry executives are trying to navigate ways to keep business moving while taking care of their constituents with meaningful, competitive jobs. Apprenticeship programs remain a key component of that strategy.

    • 11. November 2020
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    Increasing Our Focus on Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Programs

    Since the Great Recession in 2008, Public Consulting Group (PCG) has been partnering with clients to design and pioneer federally-funded, national-leading workforce development programs. With rising student debt and industry concern about available competitive talent, federal workforce policymakers have moved to investing in apprenticeship programs. PCG has partnered to execute.

    • 9. November 2020
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    ‘Back-to-School’ Blog Series (Post #4): Progress Monitoring during Virtual Learning

    The fourth blog post in our ‘back-to-school’ series highlights several best practices of evidence-based progress monitoring that educators can apply to virtual instruction to ensure ongoing progress monitoring continues regardless of the learning environment, be it remote, blended, or in-person. According to author Jennifer Meller, “Such monitoring can, and should, be used broadly to provide feedback to all students but is critically important for students with IEPs to meaningfully update goals, accommodations, and services.”

    • 5. November 2020
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    Q&A with Maya Cox: PCG Consultant and Vice President of APSE’s National Board of Directors

    In honor of the 75th anniversary of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we are thrilled to announce that a member of our Human Services team, Maya Cox, was recently elected to serve as Vice President of the national 2020-2021 Board of Directors for the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE).

    • 26. October 2020