Found 823 results

Helping to Build North Carolina’s Early Childhood and School-Age Workforce Registry

In 2021, PCG will be working with the Child Care Services Association (CCSA) to start planning and developing North Carolina’s Early Childhood and School-Age (EC/SA) workforce registry. The registry will be a valuable resource for states to communicate with the EC/SA workforce during the COVID-19 pa...


Federal District Judge Issued Temporary Restraining Order for Rule to Lower Medicare Outpatient Drug Prices

On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Blake in Maryland blocked a Trump administration demonstration rule that was scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2021, with a temporary restraining order. On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Blak...


It’s time to recognize our most passionate employees – Announcing PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winners

The EPIC Awards are a quarterly employee recognition program designed to help bring the four tenets that define PCG’s ethos— E ntrepreneurial Spirit, P assion, I mpact, and C ommunity—to life in a tangible way. The EPIC Awards are a quarterly employee recognition program designed to help bring the f...


With Appreciation at the Holidays, Season’s Greetings from PCG

The world has changed profoundly over the past year and though there are many uncertainties ahead and challenges to overcome, we have hope for a brighter 2021. This year in particular, PCG is honored to continue our annual tradition of holiday giving as a show of appreciation for our clients and the...


PCG Publishes Series in NJ Spotlight on Supporting Remote and Hybrid Instruction in Education

This fall, PCG’s Education team in New Jersey was honored to partner with NJ Spotlight to publish a series of articles about rising to challenges in education as schools pivot between remote and hybrid instruction. This fall, PCG’s Education team in New Jersey was honored to partner with NJ Spotligh...


PCG Subject Matter Expert Focuses on Brain Science-Informed Practices and the Two-Generation Approach in Human Services

Tracy Bell, Public Consulting Group (PCG), became involved with the Kresge Foundation in July 2019. He was contacted by leadership to become a volunteer Advisory Committee member for the foundation’s Human Services Division. Mr. Bell works with other committee members to evaluate funding opportuniti...


The Intersection of Case Management and the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule

The concept of person-centered planning has been at play for decades, yet the publication of the Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule (“Final Rule”) in 2014 was the first time person-centeredness was explicitly tied to ongoing funding of home and community-based settings unde...


Broward County Public Schools Helps Shine the Spotlight on PCG’s Online Learning Program Courageous Conversations about Race with Glenn Singleton

In January of 2018, Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), the sixth largest and most diverse district in the country, partnered with PCG to offer an equity-focused professional learning program featuring the online course Courageous Conversations about Race with Glenn Singleton. Courageous Conversat...


PCG’s Manager Tony Ong Presented at November Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way public sector organizations in the United States need to function, as they have had to transition to remote platforms to stay safe while, simultaneously, the needs of the communities they serve have increased significantly. According to the Pew Research Cent...


NASA Selects PCG and Partners to Receive Grant for Developing STEM Content for Schools

[Boston, MA] December 3, 2020 – Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), a leading provider of solutions implementation and operations improvement services to the public sector, is pleased to announce that Project Ianos has been selected by NASA as the recipient of a one-year grant to ignite curiosity a...
