Family First Consulting

Happy Families

Family First Prevention Services Act Planning and Implementation Consulting

Implementation of Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) provisions went into effect on October 1, 2021. Whether your state or county has chosen to implement FFPSA in entirety or partially, claiming implications for claim production began in January 2022.

In order to be prepared to complete the CB-496 under FFPSA claiming, state and local jurisdictions are required to capture new data in order to have the information needed to claim.

FFPSA requires that at least 50 percent of state claims for the new foster care prevention funding be for “well supported” programs (the highest of three evidence categories—promising, supported, and well supported). Programs that meet each of the three evidence categories will be listed on a clearinghouse contracted through Health and Human Services (HHS). Either as the result of a review initiated by HHS or after a state indicates a program should meet the clearinghouse requirements and HHS has approved it for transitional funding while it is being reviewed and rated.


PCG Provides Solutions that Matter

  • Consulting Services
  • Practice Analysis and Design
  • Procurement and Provider Management
  • Funding Strategy and Administration
  • DESIN with Sustainable Change™
  • Program Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement


Why Partner with PCG?

With over 36 years of experience, PCG has worked with state and county agencies across the U.S. to complete Title IV-E claims. Our team has extensive experience adapting claiming processes, as well as existing operations for various federal policy changes related to Title IV-E. When thinking about potential operations affected by FFSPA, we start with the following areas:

  • Business processes for case managers
  • Business processes for Title IV-E Eligibility Staff
  • Business processes for Title IV-E Claiming Staff
  • Updates to CCWIS system
  • Updates to contracts with service providers
  • Updates to payment rates both for in-home service providers and foster care providers
  • Updates to data collection process from providers

It is essential to evaluate the various components of your state or county’s operations for changes that may be necessary for claiming. 


Get to know our Subject Matter Experts

Heather Baker

Heather Baker

Connect with Heather



Katie Bright

Katie Bright


Connect with Katie




Beth Maxcy

Beth Maxcy


Connect with Beth