Why EDPlan?
Plan on success for your students. Plan on EDPlan.
EDPlan is a suite of tools and services from PCG that helps you promote a plan for student success—in special education, academics, behavior, and beyond. EDPlan’s features have been designed in partnership with teachers, education professionals, and project management experts; it is used in more than 30 states, supporting thousands of schools and districts nationwide.
Tools in the EDPlan Suite
EasyIEP is the country’s leading web-based special education case management tool, used by districts spanning 30+ states to achieve and maintain federal and state compliance and improve processes and procedures...
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EasyTrac is an integrated, web-based tool for documenting the delivery of Health services to students. It’s configured for compliance and hits all the marks when it comes to your scheduling, tracking, and documenting needs.
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EDPlan Accelerator™
EDPlan Accelerator is a comprehensive framework that brings products and services together to support education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cohesive approach is tailored to provide education solutions in response to the challenges...
Implementing EDPlan MTSS will support your Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework for improving student outcomes. It will give you the tools necessary to identify students who may be at risk...
EDPlan Connect™
EDPlan Connect is our all-in-one caregiver portal that promotes increased family involvement in a child’s education. Whether it’s signing an Individualized Education Program (IEP), consenting to bill Medicaid, or prescribing services via Order/Referral.
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EDPlan Health™
School nurses do more than just care for sick kids. There are service and medication documentation requirements, comprehensive student health information records, and more documentation that needs to be completed every day.
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EDPlan Professional Development™
Courses designed to support special educators and improve outcomes for students with IEPs.
EDPlan Progress Track™
Our web-based, intuitive progress monitoring tool provides simple data collection to help teachers proactively make the best decisions to support each child’s success.
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Behavior problems compromise student learning and, if left unchecked, can escalate resulting in disruptive, sometimes tragic, consequences for the greater school community. The EDPlan Student Incident Referral System (SIRS) contains robust tools for incident...
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EDPlan 504™
PCG developed EDPlan 504 to assist schools, districts, and states to meet the local and federal requirements of Section 504. Our process-driven solution not only provides for easy, compliant 504 documentation, but also offers a number...
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Script™ is a comprehensive system of electronic data management tools designed to meet district-wide special education requirements specific to areas of Arkansas....
Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA) Solutions
We all strive to keep our students safe and get them the help they need when they struggle, but we need to go beyond hardening schools to the root of the problem...