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PCG at SXSW EDU 2018: 5 sessions on how all students can succeed
Whether it’s “no child left behind” or “every student succeeds,” our country has long embraced—and legislated—the principle that in U.S. schools, all students deserve to succeed. Here at PCG, we have always believed “all means all.” All students in special education. All English language learners. A...
/news-perspectives/pcg-at-sxsw-edu-2018-5-sessions-on-how-all-students-can-succeed/Public Consulting Group wins Intranet Upgrade Contract with Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Public Consulting Group (PCG) is honoured to announce that its Technology Solutions unit has won a contract with Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to develop an upgraded Intranet serving the hospital’s 3,000 staff. By streamlining and optimising access to hundreds of policy and procedure docume...
/news-perspectives/public-consulting-group-wins-intranet-upgrade-contract-with-kingston-hospital-nhs-foundation-trust/Budget – Money Is Not the Problem but It’s Not the Solution Either
For the past decade, funding has been a challenge at every level of government—local, state, and federal. The recession of 2008 was a particularly difficult time for funding across all levels of government, but it was arguably most difficult on the child welfare system as many jurisdictions had to d...
/news-perspectives/budget-money-is-not-the-problem-but-it-s-not-the-solution-either/Foster Care Crisis - What’s an Agency to Do? Part 1
Child welfare agencies in jurisdictions across the country face a growing foster care crisis: decreasing numbers of licensed foster homes can’t support the increasing demand for licensed out of home placement, fueled, in part, by the opioid and prescription drug crisis. What is causing this shift in...
/news-perspectives/foster-care-crisis-what-s-an-agency-to-do-part-1/Administration releases the proposed rule on association health plans
On January 4, the administration released the anticipated proposed rule broadening the ERISA definition of “employer” and expanding the options for small employers seeking insurance coverage, as foreshadowed in the President’s executive order on October 12, 2017. On January 4, the administration rel...
/news-perspectives/administration-releases-the-proposed-rule-on-association-health-plans/States seek to intervene in House v. Price lawsuit
On May 18, 2017, 15 states and the District of Columbia filed a motion to intervene in House v. Price , a lawsuit threatening the availability of federal funds (about $9 billion in 2017) for cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments to health insurers under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The lawsuit per...
/news-perspectives/states-seek-to-intervene-in-house-v-price-lawsuit/White House issues report on the opioid epidemic
On July 31, 2017, the White House posted the initial findings and recommendations of its Commission on Combatting Drug Abuse and the Opioid Crisis. The Commission cites evidence that... On July 31, 2017, the White House posted the initial findings and recommendations of its Commission on Combatting ...
/news-perspectives/white-house-issues-report-on-the-opioid-epidemic/Happy Holidays from PCG
Each year, in lieu of holiday cards and gifts, PCG makes donations to selected nonprofit organizations that support the missions and community interests of our public sector partners, and the populations they serve. This year, we are honored to support the following organizations... Each year, in li...
/news-perspectives/happy-holidays-from-pcg/Implications of eliminating the individual mandate through the tax bill
Work on passage of a final tax bill continued at the time of publication this article, leaving uncertainty over its final fate, composition, and impact. In each of the versions originally passed by each house, however, there were provisions specific to health care. While those provisions are just sm...
/news-perspectives/implications-of-eliminating-the-individual-mandate-through-the-tax-bill/Public Consulting Group Acquires Focused Management Solutions
Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG) announced today that it is expanding its focus on workforce development, training, and placement solutions through the acquisition of Focused Management Solutions (FMS), based in Gainesville, Florida. Boston, MA. December 14, 2017 – Public Consulting Group, Inc. (...