Found 802 results

Video Highlight: Vermont High School Educators Share Transformative Experiences with PCG’s Online Course, Courageous Conversations about Race with Glenn Singleton

For the past three years, Mount Mansfield Union High School in Jericho, VT, has partnered with Public Consulting Group (PCG) to engage in the online learning course, Courageous Conversations about Race with equity expert Glenn E. Singleton. The course is part of PCG’s online professional learning pr...


PCG Selected as Vendor for Franchise Tax Board's Enterprise Data to Revenue Project

Public Consulting Group (PCG) is proud to announce it has been selected as the vendor that will provide Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) and Quality Assurance (QA) services for the Franchise Tax Board’s Enterprise Data to Revenue (EDR) Project, Phase 2 (EDR 2 ). Public Consulting G...


PCG Announces the Return of Its Summer Hours Schedule in July 2022

Last week, PCG employees received some welcome news from the firm’s Human Capital Management (HCM) team: PCG is bringing back its summer hours schedule (also known as “Family & Friends Fridays”) for summer 2022! Family & Friends Fridays spans 10-weeks of summer – from Fourth of July weekend ...


PCG Polska Launched New Elder Abuse Screening Literature Review

Elder abuse is a widespread phenomenon worldwide, and screening tools are part of a helpful strategy to support professionals in recognizing the signals and indicators of mistreatment. They can also guide professionals’ decisions to request more comprehensive assessments. Elder abuse is a widespread...


Public Consulting Group Announces its Fifth Annual New Jersey Special Education Summit: In Person and Virtual

Boston, MA [April 27, 2022] – Public Consulting Group (PCG) is hosting its fifth annual New Jersey Special Education Summit on May 13, 2022, co-produced by PCG and the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association. The event takes place at the FEA Conference Center in Monroe Township, New Jersey...


New Tools to Help Define Your CWCA Relationships with CCWIS

In September 2021, the Children’s Bureau (CB) of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) released the Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) Technical Bulletins (TBs) #7 (CCWIS Technical Assistance, Self-Assessment Tools, and Monitoring Reviews) and #8 (CCWIS Data Exchange...


PCG Announces New Employee Support and Engagement Efforts as Pandemic Continues

BOSTON, Dec. 17, 2021 – Public Consulting Group (PCG) today announced new action and additional measures to support and engage employees as the pandemic continues. BOSTON, Dec. 17, 2021 – Public Consulting Group (PCG) today announced new action and additional measures to support and engage employees...


PCG Awarded CMS Quality Improvement Organization-like Recertification

Public Consulting Group (PCG) is proud to announce its five-year recertification as a Quality Improvement Organization-like (QIO-like) entity by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). A QIO-like entity consists of health quality experts, clinicians, and consumers who work together to ...


University Instructors Acquires PrepForward to Help Teachers Prepare for the Classroom

Boston, MA. March 22, 2022 – University Instructors LLC (UI), a Public Consulting Group (PCG) Company and leading provider of K-12 learning, training, and staffing services, today announced it has purchased PrepForward, a Boston-based company specializing in comprehensive, online K-12 teacher certif...


PCG Participates in North Carolina’s 12th Annual Students@Work Program

PCG colleagues in North Carolina participated in the state’s Students@Work career awareness program this March, introducing approximately 60 middle school students to a career in public sector consulting. Launched by the North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE) in 2011 in partnership ...
