Found 806 results

Natasha Newman

Natasha Newman is an Associate Manager in Education. In this role, she collaborates with client teams across the U.S. who specialize in school-based Medicaid fee for service. Natasha provides leadership in the areas of project management, reimbursement optimization, and policy and program compliance...


Dave O’Leary

Dave O’Leary is an associate manager in Education and currently leads the Pacific Northwest region. He joined PCG in 2003. Dave manages projects related to education technology, including the implementation of PCG’s special education data management systems, EDPlan™, IEP Online™, and EasyTRAC™... Da...


Title 1 Next | Optimize Title I Administration and Operational Efficiency

Why Title 1 Next? Cloud-Based Compliance and Document Management Software for the Entire District PCG’s Title 1 Next™ provides documentation management and supports district-wide compliance monitoring for all Title l, federal programs, central office administration, and related departments. The plat...


Cameron Lackey

Cameron Lackey is an associate manager in Education. He joined PCG in 2016 and brings strategic and programmatic planning expertise in the areas of system and service implementation and program and project management... Cameron Lackey Associate Manager Education Cameron Lackey is an associate manage...


EDPlan Health™ for School Nursing

An efficient, secure, and configurable web-based tool designed to simplify the nursing documentation process in your district. School nurses play a key role in the success of students, and their responsibilities are not limited to simply providing nursing services. In reality, their work can include...


SALT | Standards Alignment Tool

SALT™ is the global leader in the emerging field of open learning ecosystems. PCG created SALT to lead and test creation of IMS Global’s new Competency and Academic Standards Exchange ( CASE ). The CASE specification establishes a technical specification for ‘machine-readable’ academic standards, co...


Anna d’Entremont

Anna d’Entremont is an associate manager in Education. She joined PCG in 2008 and has dedicated the last 20 years to improving outcomes for young people and the communities in which they live. She is deeply committed to the belief that every child deserves success... Anna d’Entremont Associate Manag...


EDPlan | Student Success Platform

Why EDPlan? Plan on success for your students. Plan on EDPlan. EDPlan is a suite of tools and services from PCG that helps you promote a plan for student success—in special education, academics, behavior, and beyond. EDPlan’s features have been designed in partnership with teachers, education profes...


Tim Gillespie

Mr. Gillespie has more than 12 years of experience working with public sector clients and school districts throughout the country. As an Associate Manager with PCG, Mr. Gillespie supervises... Tim Gillespie Associate Manager Education Mr. Gillespie has more than 12 years of experience working with p...


EDPlan SIRS™ | Student Incident Referral System

Behavior problems compromise student learning and, if left unchecked, can escalate resulting in disruptive, sometimes tragic, consequences for the greater school community. The EDPlan Student Incident Referral System (SIRS) contains robust tools for incident tracking and reporting that assist educat...
