Found 823 results for "" query
Dave O’Leary
Dave O’Leary is an associate manager in Education and currently leads the Pacific Northwest region. He joined PCG in 2003. Dave manages projects related to education technology, including the implementation of PCG’s special education data management systems, EDPlan™, IEP Online™, and EasyTRAC™... Da...
/leadership/education/dave-o-leary/Cameron Lackey
Cameron Lackey is an associate manager in Education. He joined PCG in 2016 and brings strategic and programmatic planning expertise in the areas of system and service implementation and program and project management... Cameron Lackey Associate Manager Education Cameron Lackey is an associate manage...
/leadership/education/cameron-lackey/PCG Service Offerings
Public Consulting Group (PCG) is a leading public sector solutions, implementation, and operations improvement firm that partners with health, education, and human services agencies to improve lives. Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, PCG is a privately held S-Corporation wi...
/technology-consulting/dir-cpo-4597/pcg-service-offerings/Federal District Judge Issued Temporary Restraining Order for Rule to Lower Medicare Outpatient Drug Prices
On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Blake in Maryland blocked a Trump administration demonstration rule that was scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2021, with a temporary restraining order. On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Blak...
/news-perspectives/federal-district-judge-issued-temporary-restraining-order-for-rule-to-lower-medicare-outpatient-drug-prices/It’s time to recognize our most passionate employees – Announcing PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winners
The EPIC Awards are a quarterly employee recognition program designed to help bring the four tenets that define PCG’s ethos— E ntrepreneurial Spirit, P assion, I mpact, and C ommunity—to life in a tangible way. The EPIC Awards are a quarterly employee recognition program designed to help bring the f...
/news-perspectives/it-s-time-to-recognize-our-most-passionate-employees-announcing-pcg-s-newest-epic-awards-winners/Gary Garofalo
Mr. Garofalo brings a strong record of leadership in the application of analytics, metrics, and business intelligence. He has more than 35 years of experience managing consulting services operations and facilitating growth in large organizations. As Executive Vice President of MAXIMUS Inc., Garofalo...
/leadership/corporate/gary-garofalo/Heather Baker
Heather Baker leads PCG's child welfare and youth services practice, helping state, county, and community-based agencies invest in programs, people, and technologies that improve the lives of children and families. She leads a team of individuals with vast experience in delivering and managing child...
/leadership/human-services/heather-baker/Jennifer MacBlane
Jennifer MacBlane is an associate manager at PCG. She has over 20 years of experience in human services, government, and government consulting. Jennifer began her career at PCG in 2006 and works with child welfare and human services agencies across the U.S. to further their goals of improving lives....
/leadership/human-services/jennifer-macblane/Katie Bright
Katie Bright is an associate manager within the Human Services’ Child Welfare and Youth Services team. Katie’s career at PCG began in 2002 when she started working within the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) revenue management unit. Her role has since expanded to include work ...
/leadership/human-services/katie-bright/U.S. Supreme Court to Take Up Appeal on Work Requirements in Medicaid Program
On Friday, December 4, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal of the Trump administration’s attempted plan to require work requirements in the Medicaid program. On Friday, December 4, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal of the Trump administration’s attempted plan to...