News & Perspectives

Current News

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    Balance billing – a new report on recent efforts by state

    PCG subject matter experts recently completed a survey report entitled “Balance Billing: Report of Recent Efforts to Protect Consumers.” The practice of balance billing is historically commonplace, but increased scrutiny on rising out of pocket health care costs is driving efforts to provide greater transparency into the practice.

    • 6. October 2017
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    Improving outcomes with data and financial incentives around the world

    Data driven decision making, long the norm in the private sector, is becoming prevalent in the public sector.  This is true not only here at home, but also around the world as many countries grapple with how to improve outcomes while living within constrained budgets. Evidence-based policy making, using data to inform decisions, and paying for performance are all tools being used to improve results.


    • 6. October 2017
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    Developments in Section 1332 State Innovation Waivers

    Progress has continued on state efforts to secure Section 1332 State Innovation Waivers. Oregon submitted a waiver application at the end of August, seeking support for a state-based reinsurance program, and that application has since been determined complete. Iowa submitted two recent updates to its pending waiver application, which it initially submitted in June. Its waiver application has also now been determined complete.

    • 6. October 2017
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    The Demands of Foster Care

    With increasing regularity, there is comment by publication, news article or editorial about the need for foster parents. Why? Because foster parents are an important partner of the child protection system; they provide care and safety to children who are unable to remain in their home environment. 

    • 3. October 2017