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Announcing Our FY25 EPIC Awards Winner for Passion!
PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets—Entrepreneurial Spirit, Passion, Impact, and Community—to life in a tangible way. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Alison Richards has been selected as PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winner in recognition of her Passion for engaging and serving others, both within and outside of PCG.
Expanding Access to Care Through CMS 1115 Reentry Waivers
PCG provides third party administration services, technical assistance, and implementation support in California, the first state in the nation to implement a reentry waiver to develop and test pre-release services for individuals transitioning from incarceration. PCG’s Julia Kessler, Christine Newhall, Katie Thomas, and Shannon Weaver, authors of “Maximizing Impact: Implementing CMS 1115 Reentry Waivers with Public Consulting Group,” broke down key lessons learned from their work in helping California design and implement 1115 reentry waivers.
- 21. March 2025
PCG at SXSW EDU 2025: The Pivotal Role of Community Engagement in School Safety
Public Consulting Group (PCG) was proud to support the 15th SXSW EDU which focuses on bringing together the learner, the practitioner, the entrepreneur, and the visionary to share their groundbreaking stories, tackle complex issues, and build reimagined paths forward. Our panel, “The Pivotal Role of Community Engagement in School Safety,” featured a diverse lineup of experts—including media, students, and safety specialists—dedicated to advancing school safety through community-driven solutions
- 20. March 2025
Optimizing Staffing in Special Education: Caseload vs. Workload Analysis
In this new position paper, PCG’s Dr. Angeline Williams-Jackson advocates for the adoption of a balanced approach—a caseload and workload analysis—in a special education staffing decisions to get districts closer to addressing staffing concerns.
- 17. March 2025
PCG at SXSW EDU 2025: Reflections on Catalyzing & Navigating Change in Schools
Over the past decade, PCG has joined educators, academics, and innovators from across the world in Austin, Texas for SXSW EDU to address some of the most consequential issues surrounding K-12 education. This year, we were proud to have Jacob Klett, a Senior Managing Education Advisor, selected as a mentor for the roundtable session, “Catalyzing & Navigating Change in Schools.”
- 11. March 2025