SNAP Accuracy Improvement and Consulting Services

Picture of a family on a couch together

Is your agency administering SNAP benefits efficiently and accurately? Is your organization developing new partnerships and maximizing available funds to grow your SNAP Employment & Training (SNAP E&T) program? We can help.

Agencies administering the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are tasked with the critical responsibility of providing resources to individuals and families in need. We can help state agencies to deliver these vital services efficiently, accurately, and on time.

The Employment and Training program (SNAP E&T) provides opportunities to participants by helping them learn new skills and earn credentials for in-demand jobs while bringing additional federal revenue into states. We can help states access these funds in a compliant manner by identifying potential partners, building relationships, and processing claims.

Public Consulting Group (PCG) is a leading public sector management consulting and operations improvement firm with over 35 years of experience partnering with human services agencies to improve lives. PCG is a national leader in SNAP consulting services, specializing in SNAP accuracy improvement and SNAP E&T program development and claiming.

We have the tools to help agencies administering SNAP meet programmatic and service delivery challenges collaboratively, efficiently, and creatively. Our team of SNAP experts include former eligibility workers, quality control (QC) reviewers and supervisors, and SNAP and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) administrators.


Why partner with PCG?

Supplemental Payment Program Initiation


For nearly two decades, 16+ states and municipalities have selected PCG as a trusted partner to address their SNAP needs, including accuracy and quality improvement, business process redesign, organizational change management, and SNAP E&T partnership development and claiming.

Multidisciplinary Programmatic Knowledge

SNAP is not operated in a vacuum. PCG brings extensive expertise in public assistance programs that are often administered alongside SNAP and serve the same populations in need, including Medicaid, TANF, and Child Care Assistance. Our multidisciplinary knowledge enables us to offer comprehensive solutions that improve outcomes for individuals receiving public assistance.


Balanced and Holistic Approach

PCG takes a balanced and holistic approach to improving SNAP operations and service delivery for states and counties. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, we gather input from all perspectives—frontline workers, individuals receiving public assistance, program administrators, and leadership—to conduct thorough and impactful analyses.


Our Services: SNAP Accuracy Improvement and Consulting

SNAP Data Analysis

  • Independent review and analyses of SNAP QC data transmitted to Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), analyzing each individual variance in a QC case

  • Analyses of other SNAP accuracy data (e.g., from other case review units)

  • Root cause analyses of SNAP errors

  • Regression analyses of SNAP universe data to identify error-prone case characteristics

Case Review Program Design and Implementation

  • Design and implementation of case review programs (pre- and post-authorization)

  • Provision of independent case reviewers to conduct reviews and/or help support with establishing an internal case review unit

Corrective Action Planning

  • Establishment of corrective action or quality improvement team, including defining roles and expectations

  • Development and implementation of tools that aggregate SNAP QC error data and other available SNAP accuracy data to understand trends at individual and agency-wide levels

  • Process development for corrective action and follow-up for SNAP errors (i.e., tracking errors, collecting feedback from eligibility workers and case supervisors)

  • Guidance on how to best communicate error findings to field staff and leaders

Communications, Trainings, and Mindset

  • SNAP policy trainings targeting the most error-prone areas

  • Communications to support with accurate application of SNAP policy (e.g., job aids, desk guides, policy manual enhancements)

  • Visuals, storytelling, and other methods to help field staff to adopt an “accuracy mindset” and understand the implications of SNAP inaccuracy for agencies and clients

Technology Planning

  • Identification of potential system issues through in-depth error data analyses

  • Implementation of National Accuracy Clearinghouse

  • Brainstorming of potential system enhancements to promote accuracy (e.g., quality check screens, stop signs, etc.)

  • Collaboration with technology vendors to understand the policy side of system enhancements and ensure accuracy in case processing

  • Coaching and training to help staff successfully utilize systems to promote accuracy

Project Highlights

We have worked on SNAP projects in many states across the country including California, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. Our work with several of these states and associated SNAP accuracy initiatives have contributed to noticeable improvements in payment error rates and staff learning. Below are some highlights of our work:

  • Iowa: PCG led independent reviews of full fiscal years of SNAP QC data. Instead of identifying only the top error based on dollar amount, we analyzed every error to determine root causes beyond what is captured in traditional QC reporting. We then helped the client use these findings to inform targeted, data-driven interventions in the field that contributed to tangible improvements in the state’s SNAP payment error rate.

  • Rhode Island: PCG designed and implemented automated pre- and post-authorization case review programs. With each program type, we designed the tools to collect case review findings, share findings back with the field for correction, store data, and generate reports for leadership. We then transitioned the tools to the state when they were ready to lead the program.

  • Michigan: PCG designed and delivered a three-part comprehensive training on SNAP policy to promote accuracy in case processing. The SNAP training included important messaging on the impacts of inaccuracy on Michigan families and the agency in addition to a multitude of applied learning activities to increase engagement and comprehension. Analyses of pre- and post-test assessments indicated increased understanding and correct application of SNAP policy.

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Our Services: SNAP E&T Program Development and Claiming

Third Party Partner Identification.  Building or increasing third party partnerships provides states the opportunity to expand the provision of invaluable E&T services, fund successful programs, and bring additional federal revenue into the state. Effective E&T services can be a powerful driver to increasing the self-sufficiency of participants, and third-party partnerships are key to achieving such outcomes. Recognizing this, PCG has partnered with several states to help them identify third party partners for their SNAP E&T programs and then develop strong working relationships with these partners.

Third Party Reimbursement. Taking full advantage of the SNAP E&T program requires careful and consistent submission for reimbursement of E&T expenditures. PCG provides tools and procedures for reporting and claiming expenditures and works with third party providers to ensure that monthly claims for reimbursement are submitted accurately and on time. We also work with states and third party providers to identify potentially reimbursable programs, develop reimbursement methodologies, and maximize SNAP E&T 50:50 program reimbursement.


Project Highlights

  • PCG works with the San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP) to grow the county’s SNAP E&T program and maximize the amount of 50% reimbursement received by partner agencies delivering CalFresh (SNAP) E&T services. Our team assists SDWP to identify potential partners, analyze programs, and create and process claims that meet program requirements. We also provided technical assistance to design programs that maximize SNAP E&T reimbursement.

  • In Alabama, PCG has supported the Department of Human Resources by developing strategies to expand the capacity of E&T service providers, planning improvements to program reporting, and assisting with the state’s annual SNAP E&T plan.

  • PCG worked with the state of Alaska to develop partnerships with four community-based providers in the Anchorage area. We assisted the state in developing the SNAP E&T plan necessary to secure more than $650,000 in federal reimbursement for the services these agencies provided to participants.



Let the PCG team work for you! Contact us to learn more about how we can help.