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Announcing Our FY23 EPIC Awards Winner for Entrepreneurial Spirit!
PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets— E ntrepreneurial Spirit, P assion, I mpact, and C ommunity—to life in a tangible way. PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is design...
/news-perspectives/announcing-our-fy23-epic-awards-winner-for-entrepreneurial-spirit/U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Appeal by UnitedHealth Group, Inc. Requiring Return of Medicare Overpayments Based on Faulty Diagnoses
On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal by UnitedHealth Group, Inc., leaving in place a federal rule requiring Medicare Advantage plans to return overpayments based upon wrongful diagnoses. On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal by UnitedHea...
/news-perspectives/us-supreme-court-declines-to-hear-appeal-by-unitedhealth-group-inc-requiring-return-of-medicare-overpayments-based-on-faulty-diagnoses/PCG Joins U.S. Army PaYS Program to Support Soldiers’ Transition to the Civilian Workforce After the Army
This week, Public Consulting Group (PCG) announced that it is joining forces with the United States Army through the Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) Program. This strategic partnership between the U.S. Army and a cross section of corporations, companies, and public sector agencies, helps to conn...
/news-perspectives/pcg-joins-us-army-pays-program-to-support-soldiers-transition-to-the-civilian-workforce-after-the-army/New Mexico Advisory Council on Quality Named Inaugural Recipient of the 2022 Cathy Anderson Award for Public-Private Partnership
Public Consulting Group (PCG) and the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) are pleased to announce that New Mexico’s Advisory Council on Quality Supports for People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (ACQ) is the first recipient of the Ca...
/news-perspectives/new-mexico-advisory-council-on-quality-named-inaugural-recipient-of-the-2022-cathy-anderson-award-for-public-private-partnership/U.S. Supreme Court Ruled That HHS Wrongfully Cut Medicare Reimbursement for Certain Drugs to Hospitals Serving Low-Income Beneficiaries
On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) improperly cut more than $1 billion per year since 2018 in Medicare payments for certain drugs to hospitals serving low-income communities. On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, th...
/news-perspectives/us-supreme-court-ruled-that-hhs-wrongfully-cut-medicare-reimbursement-for-certain-drugs-to-hospitals-serving-low-income-beneficiaries/U.S. Supreme Court Decides That States Can Seek Reimbursement for Future Medical Expenses from Medicaid Beneficiaries’ Injury Settlements
On June 6, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court held, in a seven-to-two decision, that the Medicaid statute permits a state to seek reimbursement from settlement payments allocated for future medical care. On June 6, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court held, in a seven-to-two decision, that the Medicaid statute pe...
/news-perspectives/us-supreme-court-decides-that-states-can-seek-reimbursement-for-future-medical-expenses-from-medicaid-beneficiaries-injury-settlements/PCG to Study Public Safety Call Answering and Processing Times Nationwide for the Fire Protection Research Foundation
[Boston, Massachusetts] July 7, 2022 – Public Consulting Group (PCG) is pleased to announce its selection by the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF), the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) research affiliate, to study and analyze public safety call answering and event processing ti...
/news-perspectives/pcg-to-study-public-safety-call-answering-and-processing-times-nationwide-for-the-fire-protection-research-foundation/Video Highlight: Vermont High School Educators Share Transformative Experiences with PCG’s Online Course, Courageous Conversations about Race with Glenn Singleton
For the past three years, Mount Mansfield Union High School in Jericho, VT, has partnered with Public Consulting Group (PCG) to engage in the online learning course, Courageous Conversations about Race with equity expert Glenn E. Singleton. The course is part of PCG’s online professional learning pr...
/news-perspectives/video-highlight-vermont-high-school-educators-share-transformative-experiences-with-pcg-s-online-course-courageous-conversations-about-race-with-glenn-singleton/PCG Selected as Vendor for Franchise Tax Board's Enterprise Data to Revenue Project
Public Consulting Group (PCG) is proud to announce it has been selected as the vendor that will provide Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) and Quality Assurance (QA) services for the Franchise Tax Board’s Enterprise Data to Revenue (EDR) Project, Phase 2 (EDR 2 ). Public Consulting G...
/news-perspectives/pcg-selected-as-vendor-for-franchise-tax-boards-enterprise-data-to-revenue-project/PCG Announces the Return of Its Summer Hours Schedule in July 2022
Last week, PCG employees received some welcome news from the firm’s Human Capital Management (HCM) team: PCG is bringing back its summer hours schedule (also known as “Family & Friends Fridays”) for summer 2022! Family & Friends Fridays spans 10-weeks of summer – from Fourth of July weekend ...