News & Perspectives

Current News

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    White House issues report on the opioid epidemic

    On July 31, 2017, the White House posted the initial findings and recommendations of its Commission on Combatting Drug Abuse and the Opioid Crisis. The Commission cites evidence that...


    • 3. August 2017
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    The latest news from D.C.

    Following the failure in the Senate to pass various legislative proposals – the Better Care Reconciliation Act (the Senate version of repeal and replace), the straight repeal option, or the “skinny repeal” bill – last week, Senate leadership has continued to say that they are moving on to other agenda items for now. 

    • 3. August 2017
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    Stability and Child Protection Leadership

    Every organization, regardless of focus or sector, needs good, solid leadership to thrive.  Why? Leadership not only provides the organization’s vision and guidance so that the executive management team can implement the direction of the organization, but also serves as the role model and principal image of the work of the organization.  Two of the most important elements of effective leadership are continuity and stability...

    • 18. July 2017
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    Support for the New CASE Specification Announced

    Boston, MA, June 17 - Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), in collaboration with HMH, D2L, ACT, SchoolCity, Capella University, Trinity Education Group (TEG), SAFARI Montage, Instructure, Elumen, Learning Objects, IBM, Pearson, the Georgia Department of Education, Houston Independent School District, the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, and the Texas Education Agency...

    • 17. July 2017