Project SUCCESS Featured in K-12 Newsletter

PCG’s client project developed in collaboration with the Indiana Department of Education, called Project SUCCESS, was mentioned in the September 17th issue of Big Deal Media’s K-12 Technology newsletter focused on children with autism.
The article provides details on research-based resources for increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders and meeting the needs of students with disabilities. Project SUCCESS is in good company among other organizations mentioned, including the Autism Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health Office of Autism Research Coordination, and Indiana Resource Center for Autism.
K-12 Technology is distributed biweekly to 55,000+ educators including technology directors, technology coordinators, tech-savvy teachers, and media center directors, helping them maximize tools and online resources for 21st century learning.
For information about Project SUCCESS, please contact Amy Howie at, or visit the Project SUCCESS website at
Read the full text of the story here.