PCG is Proud to Offer Professional Learning Workshops for MTSS Implementation

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is an essential educational framework for developing sustainable and equitable tiered supports for students. MTSS is a wholistic approach focused on prevention and calls for districts and schools to build a continuum of accessible academic and behavioral supports. The 2022–2023 school year will require school leaders to evaluate their current MTSS practices and develop a comprehensive plan to address the extraordinary range and intensity of student needs.
To support districts and help them propel their MTSS implementation, Public Consulting Group (PCG) is pleased to offer a new series of targeted professional learning workshops and personalized coaching sessions. This collaborative and personalized program was developed by leaders in education and MTSS subject matter experts. Designed to be actionable and provide scalable resources, this offering can benefit individuals, districts, and school level teams in any stage of implementation!
These MTSS workshops offer a range of learning targets that emphasize the essential components of MTSS—they will provide tools to organize, prioritize, and propel implementation, as well as routines that are rooted in best practices.
Click here to learn about details, group registration, pricing, and more!
Summer 2022 Virtual Professional Learning Workshops
The Essential Components of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Education leaders supporting MTSS implementation will discover the essential components of a MTSS framework, its impacts on tiers of instruction to deliver a continuum of academic and behavioral supports. Topics for participants include equitable practices, shared leadership, and data-based decisions designed to improve outcomes within a school system.
Dates: June 7 or June 8 @ 10–11 ET
The MTSS Implementation Rubric—A Metric That Matters
Teams will interact with our implementation metric to measure, improve, and continuously monitor school systems. Together participants will inventory six critical focus areas of MTSS implementation and engage in readiness activities to take action and propel implementation in the fall.
Dates: June 14 or June 15 @ 10–11 ET
Accelerating Data-Driven Routines
Data teams are tasked to routinely lead data analysis exercises, provide instruction or intervention recommendations, and monitor the effectiveness of MTSS implementations. Participants will learn how to make thoughtful decisions based on data.
Dates: July 19 or July 20 @ 10–11 ET
Want to register? Click here to submit an interest form!
Contact us to learn more and speak with a MTSS Coach today: MTSS.RtI@pcgus.com