Exploring Black education in America

This week, SXSWEDU published a new guest blog post by PCG’s own Bruce Douglas, in which, Bruce offers a detailed and poignant review of the 2018 panel discussion he found most impactful at the SXSWEDU conference this past March in Austin, Texas.
“The panel on the status of Black Education in America was engaging, thought-provoking, and inspirational. The three panelists Chris Stewart (Founder of Wayfinder Foundation), Margaret Fortune (Fortune School of Education), Dr. Howard Fuller (Marquette University), and moderated by NBC News host Rhema Ellis, shared their inimitable perspectives on the status of Black Education in the United States…The inspiration from the panel came from all, but mainly from Fortune, who shared her journey with the audience of how we move forward to make Education in America better for Black students. First, understanding that the work to be done is not a school issue, but a community issue.”
Bruce ends his article by challenging readers to think about the role we can play in providing a more equitable school system, and how we can support closing the belief gap that all students can learn.
Read Bruce’s full reaction post via the SXSWEDU website here.