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Current News

Announcing Our FY25 EPIC Awards Winner for Passion!

PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets—Entrepreneurial Spirit, Passion, Impact, and Community—to life in a tangible way. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Alison Richards has been selected as PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winner in recognition of her Passion for engaging and serving others, both within and outside of PCG.

5. December 2024
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    PCG Client Clark University Announces Tech Quest Apprenticeship Partnership

    Clark University has been awarded a $12 million apprenticeship grant from the Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration to provide business technology training nationwide to people struggling with unemployment and underemployment, and to those who seek to master relevant technology skills in an evolving workplace.

    • 22. December 2021
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    The Impact of Apprenticeship in Today’s Economy

    Apprenticeship is a powerful tool for growing the American economy. However, despite the long history of apprenticeships in the U.S., they have yet to be widely adopted as an employment model outside of traditional trades such as construction and manufacturing.

    • 16. November 2021
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    Three reasons apprenticeships are a “win” for workforce development

    With record unemployment numbers and economic uncertainty due to COVID-19, policymakers and industry executives are trying to navigate ways to keep business moving while taking care of their constituents with meaningful, competitive jobs. Apprenticeship programs remain a key component of that strategy.

    • 11. November 2020
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    Increasing Our Focus on Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Programs

    Since the Great Recession in 2008, Public Consulting Group (PCG) has been partnering with clients to design and pioneer federally-funded, national-leading workforce development programs. With rising student debt and industry concern about available competitive talent, federal workforce policymakers have moved to investing in apprenticeship programs. PCG has partnered to execute.

    • 9. November 2020