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Announcing Our FY24 EPIC Awards Winner for Impact!

PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets—Entrepreneurial Spirit, Passion, Impact, and Community—to life in a tangible way. Today, we are thrilled to announce that CC Adeyemo, a software engineer in Corporate Technology, has been selected as PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winner in recognition of the impact she has had on her colleagues and the firm’s technical operations.

14. March 2024
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    Thank you, City Year Boston, for Giving PCG the Opportunity to Support Local Students!

    This year, in lieu of our annual, in-person day of service at the Maurice J. Tobin School in Roxbury, MA, City Year Boston (CYB) created a way for Public Consulting Group (PCG) to support the school virtually. On May 21st, 38 PCG employees volunteered to create science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) kits for local students. 

    • 7. June 2021
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    Bristol, Virginia’s School Division to Host Summer Sessions with Space Education in Partnership with PCG and the Aldrin Family Foundation

    Bristol, Virginia’s school division plans to host two month-long “summer camp” sessions that include space education to help kindergarten through eighth-grade students academically—in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Consulting Group (PCG), in partnership with the Aldrin Family Foundation, is providing the school division with a unique digital space curriculum and gigantic learning maps of Mars and the Moon complete with interactive robot rovers. 

    • 11. May 2021
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    Introducing K12 Space Education Curriculum from PCG and the Aldrin Family Foundation

    Today, PCG is excited to announce a new suite of K12 Space Education offerings with The Aldrin Family Foundation. According to Dr. Andy Aldrin, CEO of The Aldrin Family Foundation, “The first crew to explore Mars are in America’s classrooms today.” Through this partnership, we are providing Space camps, robots, gigantic Mars and Moon learning maps and a unique Space Education curriculum that can be taught in classrooms, virtually, or in a hybrid approach to locate and inspire students across America.

    • 11. September 2020