Online Professional Learning Programs

Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competence in Education

Public Consulting Group (PCG) supports education leaders in delivering purposeful teacher effectiveness programs that improve outcomes for all students. PCG partnered with renowned experts to create the following courses to support school communities as they comprehensively examine unconscious biases, interrupt inequitable practices, and create inclusive environments for all students.

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Courageous Conversations about Race™

About This Course
Courageous Conversations about Race is an online course developed by Public Consulting Group (PCG) in partnership with Glenn Singleton who is renowned for addressing systemic educational inequities by providing a framework, guidance, and support to school districts nationwide.

During this course, educators will learn a practical and accessible protocol that supports them in challenging their personal beliefs about race. By the end of the course, educators will have the knowledge, skills, and practical strategies to engage in courageous conversations about race on a daily basis in both personal and professional contexts.

Participants of this course will explore:

  • The need for personal racial consciousness and the importance of engaging in the Protocol for Courageous Conversations about Race
  • How race impacts people on personal, local, and immediate levels
  • The necessity to isolate race while acknowledging the broader scope of diversity and the variety of factors that contribute to a racialized problem
  • How race is socially constructed and how one person’s perspective is different from others’ perspectives and lived racial experiences
  • The definition of race that differentiates between nationality, ethnicity, and race, and recognizes the interconnections of color, culture, and consciousness.


Relationally Responsive Classroom Management

About This Course
There is a wide-spread need to address varying levels of student engagement in all classroom settings, particularly among racially, economically, and culturally diverse students. To better prepare educators to engage with all students, this course was developed by PCG in partnership with Dr. Alan Green and Dr. Xiomara Mateo-Gaxiola of the University of Southern California’s (USC) Rossier School of Education. 

It empowers educators to effectively teach an increasingly diverse student body by cultivating meaningful relationships with all students. This course builds educators’ ability to plan and implement methods for connecting with all students, increasing student motivation, reducing behavior concerns, and improving academic achievement by fundamentally changing teacher-to-student, student-to-student, and student-to-teacher relationships and engagement.

Participants of this course will:

  • Develop an ongoing reflective process for integrating a purpose-driven teaching practice that is mindful of personal strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Learn the impact of students’ personal and communal cultures and how they work together to inform relationally responsive teaching practices
  • Explore the significance of cultivating relationships with students as a way to enhance their classroom engagement and learning
  • Be empowered to participate in critically engaging dialogue with colleagues; create a classroom environment that reflects the purpose of teaching; and utilize social justice principles that lead to student success
  • Be ready to establish a culture of high achievement through building meaningful relationships with students based on trust and empathy
  • Learn proven instruction and behavior management practices to integrate relationally responsive strategies into the classroom

Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher

About This Course
Join author Gary R. Howard to gain the knowledge and skills needed to reach students who are culturally and racially different. Educators will explore assumptions about race, class, and culture, and learn strategies for creating classrooms that are culturally inviting to all. 

Educators will also learn the principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching, including affirming students’ cultural connections, stressing collectivity as well as individuality, and managing the classroom with firm, consistent, and caring direction

Participants of this course will explore:

  • Culturally competent behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes
  • The direct relationship between teachers’ level of cultural competence and students’ level of achievement
  • How issues of privilege and social dominance impact student success and engagement
  • Seven principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Eight foundational principles on which a culturally responsive classrooms are based



*Please note: To receive professional development credits, learners must purchase and complete their registration here through University of North Dakota in addition to purchasing a course through PCG. This option is for credits is not available for the CEU version of the course.