Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Assessment

As states and providers address the complexities of service authorizations, Public Consulting Group (PCG) offers an impartial assessment solution. Our skilled assessment teams will work alongside your state to provide an in-depth understanding of the essential needs for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD).

The Supports Intensity Scale® (SIS) is an assessment tool developed by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) that evaluates practical support requirements for adults and children with IDD. It is administered in the form of an 8-page interview between the individual with IDD; any family, staff, support coordinators, therapists, and others who have an intimate knowledge of the individual’s abilities in daily life; and a highly trained human services professional. Many states use the results of the SIS to determine necessary supports and services for the individual.

Preparing for your SIS® Assessment


PCG’s assessment teams consist of highly trained and qualified assessors who meet AAIDD training criteria and have a minimum of two years of experience working with individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) and are trained in person-centeredness. Our assessors operate independently and impartially, ensuring there are no conflicts of interest. To maintain this integrity, we exclude assessors from interviewing anyone with whom they have had a provider, professional, or personal relationship within the past year.

The assessor guides the respondent group through all sections of the assessment. Respondents share and discuss the person’s support needs for all life activities. Plan for an open and honest discussion about support ratings that includes all team members and the person as much as possible. Success is a term you will hear very often during the SIS assessment. Success reflects a strengths-based approach that helps the team consider the person’s potential, positive attributes, ways to provide meaningful supports, and a safe environment to explore new pursuits. When the assessor uses that term, they are asking you to consider what supports would look like for the person to be involved in the same life activities that other adults are involved in, at the same level of performance and participation. In other words, if the right combination of help is provided, the person is an active participant in the same life activities that other adults of the same age are involved in within the community.

The people who attend the meeting are called Respondents and at least two must attend the entire interview. Respondents know the person being discussed very well (at least three months) and are comfortable sharing the supports the person may need in a variety of settings like at home, at a store, at a job, or when learning new things. Most importantly, the person that the SIS is for is encouraged to actively participate and help decide who speaks on their behalf. It is also helpful to share any accommodation needed or any sensitive or difficult topics prior to the interview.

Conversations to determine accurate ratings may take time. Plan for around two to three hours. In some places, other required questions and information may add more time to the discussion. SIS is very comprehensive and includes three sections with multiple items in each section. During the meeting, the team discusses a section about exceptional medical and behavioral supports, a section with items about six areas of adult life, and a section about protection and advocacy. Plan to bring snacks, drinks, and any assistive devices for your comfort and best participation.

  • Exceptional Medical Support Needs
  • Exception Behavioral Support needs
  • Home Living Activities
  • Community Living Activities
  • Health and Safety Activities
  • Lifelong Learning Activities
  • Work Activities
  • Social Activities
  • Advocacy Activities

The SIS-A (Supports Intensity Scale for Adults) is a standardized assessment tool aimed at evaluating the types and levels of support needed by individuals aged 16 and older with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to thrive in community environments.

The SIS-C (Supports Intensity Scale for Children) is a standardized assessment tool aimed at evaluating the types and levels of support needed by individuals aged 5-15 years old with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to thrive in age-appropriate community settings. The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) is the developer, copyright holder, and sole owner of the Supports Intensity Scale® (SIS®). Public Consulting Group, LLC first partnered with AAIDD and states in 2001 to develop SIS programs.