Found 755 results

Program Consulting

PCG’s early childhood consulting services help to inform policies and practices. They also provide practical strategies and processes to support state and program compliance and positive outcomes for children, families, and programs. Our team is passionate about providing meaningful solutions that i...


Outsourcing & Operations

You have a mission to achieve: keeping children and youth safe and building strong families. But achieving that mission requires complying with extensive policies, rules, regulations and laws, paying bills, running payroll, maintaining facilities, securing data, and more—all of which places a heavy ...


Program Consulting

Every child and family has different needs and differing ability to respond to services and treatment. State and local child welfare agencies and service providers must have the knowledge, funding, and capacity to deliver the help children and their caregivers need to thrive. PCG helps states and lo...


Applied Technology

In an era of often-restrained budgets and competing priorities, states need modern and creative digital solutions that meet the needs of their programs and stakeholders. Our services include Systems Development and Operations Vocational Rehabilitation Payment System Design and Operations PCG can ass...



A significant challenge that state aging and disability services agencies encounter is how to effectively deliver complex programs and services to a diverse set of stakeholders with unique goals and needs. It is essential for organizations to have a clear strategy. Organizational Strategy, Communica...


Outsourcing & Operations

PCG provides outsourced services to state aging and disability services agencies across the U.S. Our services include Operational Assessments and Reviews HCBS Settings Rule oversight and monitoring Our team can help your agency to manage and monitor your programs, evaluate provider practices, recomm...


Finance Consulting

Supporting people so they can achieve meaningful outcomes requires resources. PCG can help your agency to maximize your resources. We offer a range of services to help state agencies meet or exceed the expectations for a high-quality, person-centered system of supports and programs for older adults ...


Program Consulting

PCG works with states and providers to design, develop, refine, evaluate, and manage programs that support older adults and people with disabilities. We work with states to be inclusive of- and responsive to- the people being supported, those who provide funding, and regulatory agencies. A person-ce...


Aging & Disability Services

The U.S. Federal Government has challenged states to create systems of real community inclusion enabling older adults and people with disabilities to live, work, and thrive in the community. As this is a civil rights issue, states are required to develop plans to improve their systems. With increase...


PCG is Proud to Offer Professional Learning Workshops for MTSS Implementation

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is an essential educational framework for developing sustainable and equitable tiered supports for students. MTSS is a wholistic approach focused on prevention and calls for districts and schools to build a continuum of accessible academic and behavioral suppor...
