Found 802 results

Public Consulting Group Acquires TeachersConnect to Help Solve the Teacher Shortage Crisis

Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG), a leading provider of solutions implementation and operations improvement services to the public sector, today announced it has purchased the TeachersConnect educator social network and the Grab and Grow learning community from Great Teachers, Inc. Boston, MA. May ...


PCG Announces On-Staff Charting the LifeCourse Ambassadors

PCG is proud to announce our firm’s Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) Ambassadors: Brittani Trujillo in Colorado, Maya Cox in Indiana, Ryan White in New York, and Cathy Anderson in Washington, D.C. PCG is proud to announce our firm’s Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) Ambassadors : [1] Brittani Trujillo in...


PCG’s Manager Heather Baker Joined Experts in Podcast Series Addressing Family First Law

Public Consulting Group (PCG) is pleased to announce that Manager Heather Baker, Human Services, recently joined experts from the National Human Trafficking Child Welfare Collaborative, Sarah Ladd and Bethany Gilot, during the second episode of a three-part series for the podcast Emancipation Nation...


Bristol, Virginia’s School Division to Host Summer Sessions with Space Education in Partnership with PCG and the Aldrin Family Foundation

Bristol, Virginia’s school division plans to host two month-long “summer camp” sessions that include space education to help kindergarten through eighth-grade students academically—in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Consulting Group (PCG), in partnership with the Aldrin Family Foundation, ...


Partnership Continues: Public Consulting Group and the International Association of Fire Chiefs Support the Fire and EMS Community Through Education

Public Consulting Group (PCG) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) are thrilled to be working together in 2021 to support fire and emergency medical services (EMS) providers across the country. Commenting on the partnership in a recent IAFC press release, Marc Staubley, Director o...


PCG’s Musical Happy Hours with SongDivision!

In celebration of PCG’s 35th anniversary, we’re super excited to invite employees to a brand-new virtual experience – Musical Happy Hours with SongDivision! Events will take place on April 22nd and May 13th, and employees can share their screen with everyone in their household! In celebration of PCG...


35th Anniversary Donation and Volunteering Opportunities with PCG Match!

PCG Cares is excited to announce our 35th Anniversary Spring Match! In honor and celebration of PCG’s 35th anniversary, we created a donation and volunteer match program to help support both local and national organizations that serve the populations our clients support. When employees donate and/or...


Thank You for Your SleevesUp Blood Drive Donations!

Our SleevesUp Virtual Blood Drive through the Red Cross, in honor of PCG’s 35 th anniversary, ended on March 31 st . We want to sincerely thank all PCG colleagues, friends, and family who donated to support this incredible effort and save lives! #PCG35GiveBlood Our SleevesUp Virtual Blood Drive thro...


Biden Administration Asks the U.S. Supreme Court to Cancel Appeal in Medicaid Work Requirement Case

On Monday, February 22, 2021, the Acting Solicitor General, Elizabeth Prelogar, asked the U.S. Supreme Court to cancel oral argument, scheduled for March 29, 2021, in a case dealing with a Medicaid work requirement imposed by the Trump administration. On Monday, February 22, 2021, the Acting Solicit...


Recognizing impactful employees – PCG is proud to announce our newest EPIC Awards winner

Four tenets are used to define how we at PCG pursue our mission: E ntrepreneurial Spirit, P assion, I mpact, and C ommunity. Our quarterly EPIC Awards program is designed to help bring these four principles to life in a tangible way. Four tenets are used to define how we at PCG pursue our mission: E...
