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Assess Equity in Education
The following products and services are related to assessing equity in education, an element of our Education team’s Equity-Building Framework: Assess, Implement, and Maintain (AIM). Click here for more information about the framework. Equity Readiness Assessment We employ the Leadership Equity Read...
/education/equity-education-services-assess-implement-and-maintain/assess-equity-in-education/Equity Education Services: Assess, Implement, and Maintain
A framework for helping educators create and maintain equitable policies, practices, and systems. Equity in education means maximizing positive outcomes for every student through the examination and disruption of inequitable practices, policies, and people. At Public Consulting Group (PCG), our prov...
/education/equity-education-services-assess-implement-and-maintain/EDPlan Professional Development™
Courses designed to support special educators and improve outcomes for students with IEPs EDPlan Professional Development by Pepper™ provides courses designed to support special educators and improve outcomes for students with disabilities. What does EDPlan Professional Development offer? A full lea...
/education/education-products/edplan-professional-development/EDPlan Accelerator™
EDPlan Accelerator will help schools continue to deliver services and ramp up for the 2020–2021 academic year. EDPlan Accelerator is a comprehensive framework that brings products and services together to support education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cohesive approach is tailored to provide e...
/education/education-products/edplan-accelerator/Title 1 Next | Optimize Title I Administration and Operational Efficiency
Why Title 1 Next? Cloud-Based Compliance and Document Management Software for the Entire District PCG’s Title 1 Next™ provides documentation management and supports district-wide compliance monitoring for all Title l, federal programs, central office administration, and related departments. The plat...
/education/education-products/title-1-next-optimize-title-i-administration-and-operational-efficiency/SALT | Standards Alignment Tool
SALT™ is the global leader in the emerging field of open learning ecosystems. PCG created SALT to lead and test creation of IMS Global’s new Competency and Academic Standards Exchange ( CASE ). The CASE specification establishes a technical specification for ‘machine-readable’ academic standards, co...
/education/education-products/salt-standards-alignment-tool/EDPlan SIRS™ | Student Incident Referral System
Behavior problems compromise student learning and, if left unchecked, can escalate resulting in disruptive, sometimes tragic, consequences for the greater school community. The EDPlan Student Incident Referral System (SIRS) contains robust tools for incident tracking and reporting that assist educat...
/education/education-products/edplan-sirs-student-incident-referral-system/EDPlan 504™
A Proven and Audited Solution to Meet all of your 504 Plan Needs. PCG developed EDPlan 504 to assist schools, districts, and states to meet the local and federal requirements of Section 504. Our process-driven solution not only provides for easy, compliant 504 documentation, but also offers a number...
/education/education-products/edplan-504/EDPlan Progress Track™
Public Consulting Group’s (PCG) web-based progress monitoring tool EDPlan Progress Track provides teachers with simple data collection to proactively facilitate problem solving, enhance student learning, and improve educational outcomes. By quantitatively assessing and monitoring progress — parents,...
/education/education-products/edplan-progress-track/EDPlan Connect™
Increase Family Engagement in all Aspects of a Student’s Education EDPlan Connect is our all-in-one caregiver portal that promotes increased family involvement in a child’s education. Whether it’s signing an Individualized Education Program (IEP), consenting to bill Medicaid, or prescribing services...