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Optimizing Special Ed Staffing_White Paper.pdf PDF

Optimizing Staffing in Special Education Caseload vs Workload Analysis Solutions that Matter 1 5 3 1 1 1 0 3 2 5 0 71 5 3 1 1 1 0 3 2 5 0 7 Optimizing Staffing in Special Education Caseload vs Workload Analysis By Angeline Williams Jackson Introduction Special education services are critical to ensu...


Veterans Services Consulting_Data Sheet_Feb 2025.pdf PDF

Veterans Services Consulting Solutions that Matter 2 0 2 0 2 9 0 1 2 5 0 1 Veterans Services Consulting State veterans agencies must deliver a complex array of services to an evolving population while managing an ever shifting landscape of programs and funding In addition agencies are under increase...


Justice Involved 1115.pdf PDF

Maximizing Impact Implementing CMS 1115 Reentry Waivers with Public Consulting Group Solutions that Matter 1 4 1 8 2 4 0 3 2 5 0 7 The Opportunity The Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services CMS released guidance in 2023 encouraging states to design and test reentry services for individuals transitio...


Peter Cheesman

Peter currently directs PCG Health’s systems integration center of excellence, which specializes in the design and deployment of creative technical and data solutions Peter Cheesman Manager Health Peter currently directs PCG Health’s systems integration center of excellence, which specializes in the...


For Fire and EMS Provider Organizations

Services to Support Fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Providers Fire and EMS agencies play a critical role in providing much needed emergency medical and fire safety services to their communities. PCG is committed to developing practical solutions to help fire and EMS providers improve operat...


Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Assessment

Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Assessment As states and providers address the complexities of service authorizations, Public Consulting Group (PCG) offers an impartial assessment solution. Our skilled assessment teams will work alongside your state to provide an in-depth understanding of the essenti...


Opioid Settlement Services

Opioid Settlement Fund Services Since 2021, over $50 billion has been awarded to states and localities through legal agreements intended to address the devastating impact of the opioid epidemic. As our nation continues to grapple with the opioid crisis, states and localities are looking for comprehe...


PCG at SXSW EDU 2025: Reflections on Catalyzing & Navigating Change in Schools

Over the past decade, PCG has joined educators, academics, and innovators from across the world in Austin, Texas for SXSW EDU to address some of the most consequential issues surrounding K-12 education. This year, we were proud to have Jacob Klett, a Senior Managing Education Advisor, selected as a ...


For State Health & Medicaid Agencies

At PCG, we understand the challenges state Medicaid agencies are up against. Tight budgets, limited staff, and a lack of quality data can hamper your efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ability to achieve the best outcomes. PCG can help. We work with 30 or more Medicaid agencies nationwide at any gi...


Medicaid Waiver Support

Community Engagement & Work Requirements for Medicaid Enrollees PCG has helped multiple states design and draft work requirement waivers that were previously approved by CMS. We also serve as the independent evaluator for the implementation and operation of the only active Medicaid Work and Comm...
