Tips for public sector agencies on modernizing technology procurements

Ahead of PCG’s participation in the 2019 ISM Annual Conference hosted by the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), PCG subject matter expert Carole Hussey has authored a new article for APHSA’s Policy & Practice magazine. In her piece titled “Modernizing Technology Procurements: A Performance-Based Contracting Model” that appears in the August edition focused on innovative technology, Carole discusses tips for public sector agencies on innovating approaches to technology procurement and contract management. Her advice is geared toward helping state government agencies expand their ability to operate and provide quality service delivery in the most cost-effective manner possible, while also fulfilling their missions to the clients they serve.
Print copies of the August issue of Policy & Practice will be distributed at APHSA’s upcoming 2019 ISM Annual Conference in Milwaukee from September 22-25, 2019. To access digital issues of the magazine, visit: