Tips for navigating different CCWIS solutions

Many new solutions are being designed and implemented to satisfy the requirements of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS). From platforms, to Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software, to Best-of-Breed, there are both some nuances as well as major differences in how the child welfare community is defining the various solutions in the marketplace.
To help child welfare professionals meet the broader needs of program missions, direct services, and the populations they serve, Public Consulting Group’s Carole Hussey has authored a new blog post to break down key tips to consider when wading through the different types of products and ways they are labeled. According to Carole, CCWIS is a great opportunity for organizations to replace the legacy solutions that are in many cases long overdue for replacement. In order to yield the most benefit from this investment, child welfare decision-makers must clearly define what is needed for the program and across the enterprise, evaluate the many solution alternatives available in the marketplace, and create multi-disciplinary, matrixed teams as they procure and implement these solutions.
For more insight, read Carole’s full post on LinkedIn here.