News & Perspectives

PCG Recognized as a 2024 Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion

17. July 2024

Banner announcing PCG diversity reward


We are thrilled to announce that PCG has been named a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion for the second year in a row, earning a top score of 90 on the 2024 Disability Equality Index®, the leading disability rating tool designed to help businesses advance inclusion practices.

Developed jointly by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the nation’s largest disability rights organization, and Disability:IN, a global nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion, the index measures key performance indicators across various categories, including culture and leadership, enterprise-wide access, employment practices, community engagement, and supplier diversity. Based on these factors, the index scores companies on a scale of zero to 100. Companies that score 80 or higher earn the distinction of “Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion.”

This year, which marks the 10-year anniversary of the Disability Equality Index, over 542 companies participated in the rating. PCG earned a top score of 90, a 10-point increase from its score in 2023. This recognition is a testament to PCG’s ongoing disability inclusion efforts, which include:

  • Establishing an employee-driven Disability Workplace Inclusion Committee
  • Implementing disability-focused recruitment efforts
  • Partnering with Work Without Limits and Perkins Access to help employees and senior leaders learn about and discuss accessibility
  • Offering a neurodiversity internship program
  • Providing disability inclusion trainings for PCG’s people managers and supervisors
  • Launching a Disability Workplace Inclusion Employee Resource Group (ERG) in October 2024


While we celebrate this prestigious accolade, we recognize that there is still much more to do. By continuing to hone our disability inclusion policies and practices, we hope to make PCG an inclusive and accessible workplace for all.


To learn more about how PCG cultivates a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace culture, click here.