PCG Announces On-Staff Charting the LifeCourse Ambassadors

PCG is proud to announce our firm’s Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) Ambassadors:[1] Brittani Trujillo in Colorado, Maya Cox in Indiana, Ryan White in New York, and Cathy Anderson in Washington, D.C.
CtLC is a nationally recognized framework developed by the Institute for Human Development at the University of Missouri–Kansas City along with other U.S. partners. According to the CtLC website, certified ambassadors are “leaders and influencers in their arena.” They have an “enhanced skill set to use CtLC in both personal and professional life, including problem-solving, life planning, formal planning, and strategic thinking [as well as] a commitment to ongoing learning, sharing, and contributing to person and family-centered practices.”[2]
The core belief of CtLC that “all people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their life aspirations” has been applied by state agencies nationwide.[3]
It is especially important that PCG has certified CtLC Ambassadors, as our firm partners with human services agencies to improve lives. PCG’s on-staff ambassadors can apply CtLC tools and methodologies to help state, county, and municipal agencies transform their policies and practices to support people in need in our communities.
To learn more about how human services agencies can partner with PCG to improve lives in our communities, visit: http://www.publicconsultinggroup.com/humanservices/.
[1] “Charting the LifeCourse Nexus,” Curators of the University of Missouri, accessed May 7, 2021, http://www.lifecoursetools.com/network/become-an-ambassador/
[2] “Charting the LifeCourse Nexus,” Curators of the University of Missouri, accessed May 7, 2021, http://www.lifecoursetools.com/network/become-an-ambassador/
[3] “Charting the LifeCourse Nexus,” Curators of the University of Missouri, accessed May 7, 2021, http://www.lifecoursetools.com/network/become-an-ambassador/