Join PCG for Three Presentations at the HCBS Conference on December 9th and 10th!

Public Consulting Group (PCG) is proud to announce that our firm has been selected to present three sessions at the 2021 National Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Conference in Baltimore, MD. It will take place from December 7th through December 10th. In addition to presenting, PCG is a conference sponsor, and 14 attendees from our Health and Human Services teams will be attending.
Conference Attendees:
On Thursday, December 9th, be sure to watch our virtual presentation, “Supporting Lives That We All Want: Using Employment for Integration and Success.” Our panel will discuss how federal requirements support states to seek and provide more employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Colorado and Indiana will also share their innovative ideas to increase employment for individuals with disabilities.
Join us on Friday, December 10th, to learn “How Community Integration Goes Beyond Being ‘In the Community.’” This session will explore how access to the community is not always about physical location. We will explore this focus through a lens of person-centered practices and discuss how to apply lessons learned to service delivery in a non-COVID-19 world. Individuals with disabilities will also share their experiences over the last 20 months.
Curious about what other states are doing with their American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds? Join us on Friday, December 10th, for our virtual session, “To the Rescue! States’ Approaches to ARPA HCBS FMAP (Federal Medical Assistance Percentage) Increase Reinvestment Plans.” Our team as well as Wyoming and members of ADvancing States will be presenting.
Also, be sure to stop by our conference booth!
To learn more about how PCG can support you with HCBS, quality improvement and oversight, federal compliance, person-centered practices, and more, visit