HawaiiPay Project IV&V Services – HI Department of Accounting and General Services

The HI Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS), in coordination with the HI Office of Enterprise Technology Services, selected Public Consulting Group (PCG) to provide Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) oversight of the technology and professional services acquired by the state in their efforts to implement the state’s HawaiiPay project.
The HawaiiPay project will overhaul and modernize the way the state of Hawaii processes payroll, serving more than 75,000 full- and part-time employees statewide. Currently, DAGS provides paychecks and deposits to employees across the legislative, judicial and executive branches.
The state’s existing system is becoming outdated and represents a challenge to the agencies who use it. The HawaiiPay project will address this challenge by implementing new processes and technologies which will provide modern functionality, efficiencies, security, and disaster recovery, while improving system performance and reliability, including more timely and accurate payments.
The IV&V project began in February 2018 and is scheduled to last one year, not including optional years which the state may add.