CCWIS Guidance for Public Sector Agencies: How to Ask for What You Need

In her latest blog post on the current Comprehensive Child Welfare Information Systems (CCWIS) landscape, Carole Hussey of Public Consulting Group digs into one of the biggest concerns that has been raised so far: the lack of innovation in the Requests for Procurement (RFPs) and ultimately the solutions that are being implemented.
While technology investments should aim to improve programmatic outcomes and operational efficiency, it’s understandable that many public sector agencies face limitations when it comes to knowing what to ask for in an RFP and how to define requirements at the right level of granularity.
Based on her assessment of recent procurement documents for child welfare information systems, Ms. Hussey first explores the most common challenges that agencies face in CCWIS procurement, and then offers key recommendations for embracing innovation based on her interviews with stakeholders from states, product companies, and systems integrators, as well as research into best practices from other industries. These tips are great first steps for agencies beginning the journey towards developing innovative solutions to support families in need.
Read Ms. Hussey’s full article on LinkedIn here.