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Current News

Announcing Our FY25 EPIC Awards Winner for Passion!

PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets—Entrepreneurial Spirit, Passion, Impact, and Community—to life in a tangible way. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Alison Richards has been selected as PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winner in recognition of her Passion for engaging and serving others, both within and outside of PCG.

5. December 2024
  • news

    Support for the New CASE Specification Announced

    Boston, MA, June 17 - Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), in collaboration with HMH, D2L, ACT, SchoolCity, Capella University, Trinity Education Group (TEG), SAFARI Montage, Instructure, Elumen, Learning Objects, IBM, Pearson, the Georgia Department of Education, Houston Independent School District, the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, and the Texas Education Agency...

    • 17. July 2017