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Announcing Our FY24 EPIC Awards Winner for Impact!

PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets—Entrepreneurial Spirit, Passion, Impact, and Community—to life in a tangible way. Today, we are thrilled to announce that CC Adeyemo, a software engineer in Corporate Technology, has been selected as PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winner in recognition of the impact she has had on her colleagues and the firm’s technical operations.

14. March 2024
  • news

    Feasibility Study Project – Hawaii EUTF

    The State of Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund (EUTF) selected Public Consulting Group (PCG) to evaluate its current health benefits administration system and determine the feasibility of upgrading the existing solution or acquiring a new solution in the marketplace. PCG will ultimately develop a Feasibility Study Report (FSR) to present these findings.

    • 4. June 2018