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Current News

Announcing Our FY25 EPIC Awards Winner for Passion!

PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets—Entrepreneurial Spirit, Passion, Impact, and Community—to life in a tangible way. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Alison Richards has been selected as PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winner in recognition of her Passion for engaging and serving others, both within and outside of PCG.

5. December 2024
  • news

    A Tech Solution for Technical Problems in Foster Family Recruitment and Retention

    Foster family recruitment and retention have always been challenging. Even while the number of children in foster care increased from 2012 to 2017, half of states saw a decrease in the number of available non-relative foster family homes. Though the number of children in foster care has since decreased to 424,000 in 2019, the need for foster families is still acute.

    • 7. December 2020