As a proud Platinum Sponsor, Public Consulting Group (PCG) is excited to continue supporting the mission and vision of NAME. During the conference we aim to share our expertise, learn from others, and explore collaborative opportunities to advance Medicaid in education.
Our Services and Solutions
As the largest school-based services (SBS) vendor in the country, PCG is a trusted partner nationwide to state agencies and school districts. With significant changes withing SBS, do you feel informed, supported, and well-equipped to navigate these changes? PCG is here to help!
Financial Services Consulting
Our educational policy and financial services consultants can provide a range of services for your district or state, tailored to your goals and challenges. Financial services consulting services include:
Audit Services
In local, state, or federal audits, we can assist with any part of the audit process, including responding to reviews and negotiating financial findings.
Data Analysis/Reporting
We offer in-depth data analysis and reporting to identify trends, outliers, and possible areas for additional allowable reimbursement. We can provide information on the Medicaid claiming process to assist school boards, superintendents, or other stakeholders.
Medicaid Consulting
Our in-house experts on policy, national trends, program improvements, and pending or recently passed legislation can provide the information you need to successfully navigate changes and requirements.
Program Review
We can conduct a complete review of your current Medicaid program, either at the state or district-level, and provide a written report of recommendations for process or policy improvements.
Rate Setting/Cost Settlement
Our team reviews and establishes appropriate rates and/or performs a cost settlement process to help ensure that all your allowable costs are captured and reimbursed.
State Plan Review and Amendments
PCG reviews state plans and can assist in the process to amend.. Amending the state plan can require a significant investment of time. We can help draft and negotiate changes to the state plan to reduce the burden on agency staff.
Medicaid Fee for Service Billing
PCG can administer your Medicaid Fee for Service billing both statewide and at the participating school district level. Our technology and expertise make the process easier and more efficient for your staff.
Our team can assist with all aspects of the Medicaid billing process, from the tools for capturing the required documentation of delivered services to the submission and processing of Medicaid claims. EasyTrac™—our online service documentation and Fee for Service billing tool—provides your school or district with a single solution for your Medicaid process.
Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC)
MAC programs offer federal reimbursement for the costs of administrative activities that some school staff perform in support of their Medicaid state plan. Our integrated claiming system incorporates cost reporting and time studies to determine reimbursement using state methodologies for services—like conducting outreach, assisting with application, or linking students to Medicaid—that support the program. PCG helps scope, design, develop, and implement new programs, and can also support schools in the administration of their own MAC programs.
Medicaid Cost Settlements
PCG assists states with the design and implementation of the Medicaid cost settlement processes. We’ll help collect the required financial data, conduct data validations, and complete the annual cost settlement and reconciliation. PCG can also support schools in the preparation and completion of the annual cost report. For both states and schools, PCG can provide support for any state or federal reviews.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs)
PCG can assist states in efforts to address the healthcare needs of all students through the implementation or expansion of school-based health center (SBHC) programs. PCG can work with states with existing SBHC programs to review the current program and to implement strategies to enhance access to care through SBHCs and to improve funding for SBHC services. PCG can also work with states to explore the feasibility of establishing new SBHC programs to achieve the CMS goals of increased access to care in a school-based setting.