Quality Improvement Consulting Services

Our Services


Quality Improvement Coaching

We empower your team to achieve excellence with a focus on sustainability. PCG’s collective of skilled facilitators, proficient in the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) Breakthrough Series (BTS) framework and equipped with a broad spectrum of quality improvement facilitation tools, can provide practical guidance for enhancing service delivery and client outcomes.


Learning Collaboratives

We accelerate the identification and adoption of proven best practices. At the core of our collaborative approach is the IHI BTS model, an evidence-based framework designed to facilitate rapid improvements and accelerate the achievement of specific, measurable outcomes. This model enables multiple participating teams to collaborate effectively on enhancing a specific aspect of healthcare delivery and/or patient care.

Breakthrough Series Learning Collaboratives to Accelerate Population Health Improvements

Our learning collaborative services can be designed as small, targeted action communities to develop policy or test new ideas or accommodate more than 50 participating teams to accelerate the adoption of proven best practices. PCG’s quality coaching for health systems includes how to form the best inter-professional quality improvement team for success, define improvement goals and develop ideas for practice improvements, establish data collection and analysis practices, interpret quality data to inform practice changes, and overcome technological, resource, and staff mentality barriers.

Watch the video below to learn about the impact of PCG's 2023 Maternal Learning Collaborative from actual participants.



Action Communities to Generate Evidence-Based and Community-Informed Policy and Program Design

Building on the Breakthrough Series collaborative framework and quality improvement facilitation techniques and tools, action communities are specialized, small-scale learning collaboratives designed to pilot innovative strategies that may have emerging or preliminary evidence of success. These action communities can also focus on community partner engagement to create policy or program recommendations and implementation plans to solve complex issues.


Strategic Health Equity Analysis

We help identify and address health disparities within your community. PCG has supported multiple states in incorporating a data-grounded health equity lens into operations, initiatives, and program evaluations. To support clients in identifying existing disparities, we utilize a mixed-methods approach to analyze state or hospital level data. PCG can then draw on our suite of quality improvement coaching, learning collaborative design, and policy design services to create a plan that eliminates the disparities experienced by your population.


Stakeholder Engagement

We bridge the gap between your agency and your key stakeholders by engaging state staff, hospital systems, community providers, and individuals with lived experience to develop recommendations for policy and program improvements that are evidence-based and community-informed.

Policy and Program Design

We help organizations design programs that promote coordinated care, improve patient outcomes, and reduce costs. PCG’s team of policy experts can guide you through the complexities of delivery system reform, managed care oversight/reform, and value-based payment models.

