Community Engagement & Work Requirements for Medicaid Enrollees
PCG has helped multiple states design and draft work requirement waivers that were previously approved by CMS. We also serve as the independent evaluator for the implementation and operation of the only active Medicaid Work and Community Engagement requirement program. PCG is uniquely suited to be a partner to states from program design to implementation through the compliance and evaluation phases.
Key Considerations for States:
- Design and Waiver Drafting—PCG can work with your state to ensure the community engagement fits within your state goals for your enrollee population while also balancing the relationship between the state and CMS throughout the process.
- Funding and Financing—Implementing WR/CE will increase Medicaid administrative costs, but PCG can work with your state team to ensure we maximize reimbursement while balancing complex changes needed to fiscal and eligibility systems necessary with the goal being savings across both the state and federal shares.
- Implementation and Oversight—PCG can serve as the eligibility, data monitoring and compliance team to ensure minimal impact on state staff, while ensuring reporting and monitoring necessary to CMS is done in an appropriate and timely manner.
- Evaluation—PCG can work with your state team to design an evaluation of the waiver program that provides insights to state and federal leadership throughout the waiver period, as well as utilize population data to drive policy changes as needed.
PCG is a trusted partner to state Medicaid departments, and a steady partner in times of change. To learn more about how we can assist your Medicaid program contact us today at