PCG's Health Information Technology (HIT) team works with state and government agencies, with a focus on Medicaid, Exchanges and health information technology, to help further the advancement of technology in the world of health care.
Services include
Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) enable health care organizations to improve all aspects of patient care, including safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, communication, education, timeliness, and efficiency. We provide our clients with a firm experienced in working with EHR vendors in numerous capacities, ranging from conducting surveys and environmental scans of the uses and functionality of EHRs throughout a state, to working with and designing interoperability and data mapping strategies, to providing oversight and implementation support on a large enterprise EHR implementation. PCG is capable of providing the full spectrum of State EHR planning and implementation services, from early strategic planning and readiness assessments through procurement and contract negotiations, project initiation, design and development, testing, and rollout.
Health Information Exchanges (HIE)
Since the Health Information for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) was signed into law in February, 2009, PCG has been at the forefront of strategy, design, planning, and implementation for Medicaid agencies and HIEs across the country. Our team understands the successes and challenges states face when making electronic health record (EHR) incentive payments to their providers. We also know how to build the necessary connections between Medicaid agencies and HIEs to establish robust statewide HIE and interoperable health information technology (HIT).
Medicaid Enterprise Systems (MES) IT Strategy Consulting & Technical Assistance
Our team works with our MES clients to identify and transform their “As-Is” environment to their “To-Be” state, identifying potential options, and laying out the plan of action to address the gaps. We thoroughly explore our client’s options to understand the associated costs and considerations, assess the financial feasibility, and provide a detailed analysis of why a particular alternative or set of alternatives is the best fit for the MES project. Our approach is guided by PMBOK and IEEE standards.
Project Management Office (PMO)
PCG's project management staff are Certified Project Management Professionals (PMP) by the Project Management Institute (PMI). We leverage the industry’s best practices as prescribed by the PMI’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). By leveraging this proven framework, We provide each organization with a timely and pragmatic tactic to mitigate risk and enhance the likelihood of Medicaid and health technology project success.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Prior to any complex health system’s ‘go live’ date, PCG performs thorough and rigorous User Acceptance Testing (UAT) on the system’s functionalities against the detailed requirements defined in the scope of work. Our requirements, release and testing management methodology offers a significant long term return on investment. Benefits include improved quality of services, vendor accountability and compliance, traceability from properly documented requirements to product delivery, tightly controlled configuration management, and cost reduction on technical vendor maintenance & operations services.
PCG’s UAT team supports the development life cycle by performing rigorous functionality testing to identify defects and to help engineers resolve them prior to promotion in an operational environment. Our approach to quality assurance helps our clients verify and validate products against requirements and design, and make informed go/no-go deployment decisions. PCG employs functional as well as interface and data conversion testers to perform service connectivity testing, data table querying, or ETL testing (Extract Transform Load) for data conversion. For back- end validation, we work with environments and tools such as SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle DB2, IBM Informatica, and XML tools.