According to data from The National Center for Education Statistics, average student literacy rates have decreased over the past decade, which has significant impacts for unemployment, income, and the overall economy. Public Consulting Group (PCG) is committed to helping schools and states improve reading outcomes. Rooted in the Science of Reading, our services can equip educators with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively teach reading through evidence-based approaches and innovative solutions. With over 35 years of experience in education nationwide, PCG has worked to help ensure that teachers have the knowledge, strategies, and skills to teach all children how to read.
Services & Solutions

Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Literacy Success
Our IDA-accredited online literacy course, Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Literacy Success, enhances professional learning for K-12 teachers. These courses help teachers acquire the knowledge, strategies, and skills to teach all children how to read. PCG’s economical solution provides 45 hours of interactive and engaging professional learning for K-12 teachers, coaches, administrators, and support staff wanting to fill the reading gap.
In addition to this core course, we also offer supplementary courses to enhance professional development in other key areas, including:
Literacy Leadership Core Concepts
The Literacy Leadership Core Concepts program offers 20 hours of professional development for K-12 school leaders, focused on driving effective, evidence-based literacy instruction. The course includes 15 hours on foundational reading principles and five hours tailored for leadership, covering topics like classroom walkthroughs, assessment analysis, and fostering collaboration. It integrates flexible, asynchronous learning with a leadership coaching component, which provides ongoing, personalized support through virtual and on-site sessions. This blended learning approach empowers leaders to implement sustainable literacy improvements and advocate for equitable instruction across their schools. Learn more here.
Science of Reading Core Concepts
Our Science of Reading Core Concepts course is a 15-hour, asynchronous professional learning opportunity designed for educators across various roles. It offers evidence-based tools and strategies for improving literacy instruction, drawn from our IDA-accredited, Building a Foundation for Lifelong Literacy Success. Participants will learn key concepts, such as the science of reading, phonics, spelling, reading fluency, and supporting diverse learners.
Dyslexia Playbook: Personalized Professional Learning & Coaching for Educators
PCG’s Dyslexia Playbook is a comprehensive, personalized professional learning and coaching platform designed for educators. It offers just-in-time support through targeted, sequenced actions tailored to specific needs, expert-curated resources, and access to a vibrant network of peers. We enhance this experience with coaching, mentoring, and collaboration opportunities in one centralized platform. Playbook can be leveraged asynchronously or synchronously.
Science of Reading Virtual Professional Learning Series
The Science of Reading Virtual Professional Learning Series offers an evidence-based, immersive experience to help educators understand how children, including those with dyslexia, learn to read. Centered on the five pillars of reading—phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension—the series integrates interactive discussions, peer collaboration, and actionable strategies for immediate classroom impact. The series is designed for flexibility, with one-day intensive or three-day session options.
Partnership Spotlights
The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act focuses on early literacy development for students in kindergarten through third grade, especially for students at risk of not reading at grade level by the end of third grade. The READ Act provides proactive early-literacy guidance and funding for school districts to choose approved professional learning, assessments, core reading programs, interventions, and progress monitoring. The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) partnered with PCG to provide its educators with professional development in foundational reading skills.
In collaboration with CDE, PCG’s experts partnered with national literacy leaders to create customized foundational literacy professional development content, based on science of reading research, and designed for immediate use by K-3 teachers.
Listen to our 2024 SXSW EDU Panel: “Policy to Practice: Literacy Equity Through the CO READ Act”
In response to the need for explicit, systematic, and structured literacy instruction in schools across Oregon, Eastern Oregon University developed a Reading Clinic to train pre-service educators in evidence-based literacy instruction. The Reading Clinic empowers educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to effectively teach reading to all students. However, the program required additional resources and expertise to provide in-service teachers with the tools and professional development needed to teach reading to all students.
Through philanthropic funding, Eastern Oregon University’s Reading Clinic incorporated PCG’s Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Literacy Success professional development modules into in-service training for educators.