COVID-19 School Testing Services (1)

COVID-19 Service Offerings

As global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic continue, Public Consulting Group (PCG) is ready to partner with your organization to address its needs. We provide convenient COVID-19 applications and services to public entities, schools, and nonprofit and private organizations to maintain the health and safety of our communities.

NAWB Forum 2020

PCG’s COVID-19 Services Offerings Include:

Contact Tracing & Case Investigation

Statewide Engagements and Local Health Department Programs. PCG manages statewide contact tracing programs in multiple states and collaborates with 200 local health departments.

School District and Other Organizational Programs. PCG works with school districts to relieve the burden on nurses and school administrators by working directly with parents who have symptomatic students or students that test positive for COVID-19. We provide experienced staff, develop communication strategies, and provide daily reporting needed to operate safely and efficiently.

50 percent of infections

COVID-19 Test/Vaccination Status Tracking

Various federal, state, and local mandates require that many individuals and/or employees of certain entities be vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide weekly testing results.

PCG is ready to implement our convenient, secure mobile application and web-based system to help you manage your program. These digital tools give you confidence in the health of your organization by capturing the testing and vaccination status of your workforce. They function through an easy-to-use, intuitive interface for employees and include on-demand reporting for employers.

Testing Services

PCG has developed proven COVID-19 testing programs based on our firm’s expertise in public health crisis response and contact tracing services. Through partnerships with top-tier laboratories, our team manages the entire testing program with on-site personnel to administer testing and logistics while providing reliable results and reporting. When positive tests arise, we can complete the critical case investigation and contact tracing steps to track exposures and help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

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Learn more about PCG’s COVID-19 service offerings that include convenient applications and services for your workforce.

Contact us today!

(800) 210-6113