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    PCG SigRED Vulnerability Announcement

    Recently, Microsoft announced a significant security vulnerability named SigRED related to its DNS (Domain Name System) service. The U.S. Government issued an emergency order for all federal agencies to patch the service within 24 hours, and state agencies are highly encouraged to follow the same process.

    • 21. July 2020
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    Rebalancing Child Welfare Services through Line Item Transferability

    In 2018, Congress passed the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), expanding federal funding for evidence-based prevention services and limiting federal funding for congregate care placements. FFPSA aims to rebalance the system toward more prevention and preservation, and away from foster care and congregate care when possible. While a handful of states have already implemented the act, most are still in planning stages.

    • 17. July 2020
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    Trump Administration Requests the U.S. Supreme Court to Reinstate Arkansas Medicaid Work Requirements

    On Tuesday, July 14, 2020, the Trump Administration and the Arkansas Attorney General filed requests to the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate Medicaid work requirements in Arkansas.

    • 15. July 2020
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    U.S. District Court in Wisconsin holds that DHHS is not bound by ALJ decision

    On Monday, July 6, 2020, the U.S District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin held that the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is allowed to deny Medicare payment for a brain cancer patient’s treatment despite approval of similar claims by an administrative law judge (ALJ), because ALJ decisions are not binding on the agency. 

    • 9. July 2020