Leveraging more than 30 years of experience working across the public sector, our colleagues and subject matter experts often share insights, guidance, and best practices through a variety of channels—case studies, presentations, white papers, thought leadership pieces, and more.
Here is a collection of those materials, including information on our featured subject matter experts.
Equity in Education Recovery
Florida: Broward's Journey to Equitable Recovery
Threat and Risk Management, Health Records Management, Interoperability Services, EDPlan Operations and Enhancements, Equity Co-Labs, Courageous Conversations About Race, Leadership Playbook(R)
Teaching and Learning Solutions
Connecticut: State Department of Education (CSDE)
ReadConn: K-3 Reading System of Professional Learning
Florida: Department of Education (FL DOE)
Professional Development for Charter School Transition to State Standards
Florida: Department of Education (FL DOE) Office of Charter Schools
Supporting Charter School Leaders’ Transition to the Florida Standards, Principal’s Playbook
Indiana: Department of Education
Project SUCCESS: Indiana Resource Center for Increasing Academic Instruction for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities.
New York: New York City Department of Education
EngageNY ELA Curriculum Implementation Support Workshop Series for NYC Renewal Schools
New Mexico: Public Education Department (NM PED)
New Mexico PreK-3 Reads to Lead Blended Learning Initiative, Principal Leadership, Literacy Plan Review, Online Blended Learning
Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
Cultural and Linguistic Competency Training Program
Data Systems and IT Solutions
New Jersey: Newark Public Schools
Special Education Management, EDPlan
New York: New York City Department of Education
Piloting EasyTrac™ Non-Public School Initiative, EDPlan
Rhode Island: Providence, Public School District
Medicaid Recovery Project and Special Education Data Management System, EDPlan
Pennsylvania: School District of Philadelphia
Special Education Management, Service Documentation, and Medicaid Reimbursement, EDPlan
Texas: Houston Independent School District
Bridging Special Education and Instructional Management Data Systems, EDPlan
Virginia: Prince William County Public Schools
School Improvement Planning, Skovision
Financial Solutions
Massachusetts: City of Boston and Boston Public Schools
Medicaid Recovery Project
New Jersey: Department of Treasury
Statewide Medicaid Reimbursement Program, Fee-For-Service (FFS), Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC), Cost Settlement, Random Moment Time Studies (RMTS)
Washington: Puyallup School District (PSD)
Service Documentation, Medicaid Billing
College and Career Readiness
Paths to College and Career: English Language Arts Curriculum
Public Consulting Group
Thinkquiry Toolkit 1: Reading and Vocabulary Strategies for College and Career Readiness, 2nd Edition
Editors: Dennis Jackson and Julie Meltzer
Guidelines for Developing an Effective District Literacy Action Plan, Version 1.1
Julie Meltzer and Dennis Jackson
English Language Learners (ELL) Education
Heidi Brett Baker
Expertise: Special education instructional practices and curriculum development, Transition to work processes, Supports for students with intense needs (including positive behavior supports), Positive behavior supports, Assistive technology
Mary Baker-Boudissa
Expertise: Equity Audits, Anti-bias Education and Culturally Responsive Teaching, Professional Development Related to Education Equity, Curriculum Review, Stakeholder Engagement
Debra Berlin
Expertise: Literacy and Learning, School Turnaround Services, Special Education
Katanna Conley, Ph.D.
Expertise: Common Core State Standards, Education Professional Development, K-12 Professional Development, Literacy and Learning
Christine Donis-Keller, Ph.D.
Expertise: Education Program Evaluation, Education Research
Robb Geier
Expertise: Data Use, Education Analytics, Education Professional Development
Will J. Gordillo
Expertise: Common Core State Standards, School Improvement Planning, Special Education
Mary Ellen Hannon
Expertise: Leadership, K-12 data use, Educational systems, School leadership, Curriculum design, School improvement, School turnaround services, K-12 professional development
Amy Howie
Expertise: Special Education Strategic Planning and Program Redesign, Special Education Professional Development, Special Education Leader Growth and Development
Meredith Keedy-Merk
Expertise: Special Education Professional Development, Special Education Leadership, Pre-Service and New Educator Supports, Students with Significant Disabilities
Mollye Kiss
Expertise: Early Warning Systems (EWS), Education Policy, Education Professional Development, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Response to Intervention (RtI), Special Education, Student Behavior Management
Matthew Korobkin
Expertise: Special education strategic planning, compliance, operations and instructional practice
Evan B. Lefsky, Ph.D.
Expertise: Adolescent Literacy, Education Professional Development, Literacy and Learning, Response to Intervention (RtI),
Julie A. McEachin
Expertise: Adolescent Literacy, Common Core State Standards, Curriculum Design, Education Professional Development, Literacy and Learning,
Steve McLean
Expertise: Education Analytics, Education Professional Development, School Improvement Planning, Strategic Planning
Jennifer Meller, Ed.D.
Expertise; Education Policy, K-12 Education, Special Education, Strategic Planning
Greg Nadeau
Expertise: Education Analytics
Ashley Quick
Expertise: Special Education Professional Development, Inclusive Practice Implementation, Students with Significant Disabilities
Gloria Rodriguez
Expertise: Curriculum Design, English Language Learners (ELL) Education, K-12 Education, K-12 Professional Development, Migrant Education, Bilingual and Dual Language Education
David Ronka
Expertise: K-12 Education, Data use, Teacher development
Peter Seidman
Expertise: Adolescent Literacy, Literacy and Learning
Kristan Sievers-Coffer
Expertise: Special Education Professional Development, Special Education State Planning and Program Redesign, Stakeholder Engagement
Richard N. Vineyard, Ph.D.
Expertise: Common Core State Standards, Education Assessment, Education Professional Development, Education Program Evaluation, K-12 Education, K-12 Professional Development, Science, Technology, Engineering and math (STEM) Literacy
Paul V. Wilson
Expertise: Professional development for educational leaders, Diversity, equity, inclusion, and access, Professional coaching services, ELA curriculum development and delivery
Teaching, Leading, Learning.
Changing the Game: Re-culturing Professional Learning
Julie McEachin, M.S.Ed. and Peter Seidman, M.A.Ed.
Closing the Opportunity Gap for Students with Disabilities Through Progress Monitoring Plans
Dr. Jennifer Meller and Dr. Jennifer Baribeau
Creating Actionable Change in the Least Restrictive Environment
Dr. Jennifer Meller
The Future Is Custom: How Districts Are Using Custom Curricula as a Foundation for Student Success
Whiteboard Advisors. Commissioned by: Public Consulting Group
Getting to Effectiveness_White Paper.pdf
Matthew Korobkin, Dr. Jennifer Meller
Making a Difference in Student Achievement Using the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts: What School and District Leaders Need to Know
Cheryl Liebling, Ph.D. and Julie Meltzer, Ph.D.
PCG’s Special Education Effectiveness Framework
Dr. Jennifer Meller, Amy Howie , Meredith KeedyMerk, and Matthew Scott
The Power of Collaborative Evaluation
Christine Donis-Keller, Julie Meltzer, and Elizabeth Chmielewski
Realizing the Promise of College-and Career-Ready Standards
Cheryl Liebling, Ph.D. and Sharon DeCarlo, CAGS
Reducing Disproportionality in New Jersey Schools
Matthew Korobkin and Jennifer Meller, Ed.D.
Rethinking School Safety in the New Normal
Will J. Gordillo
Tackling the Challenge of School Improvement: Identifying Promising Practices
Mary Ellen Hannon, CAGS and Robb Geier, MBA
Universal Design for Learning and the Common Core ELA Standards: Rigorous Reading and Writing Instructions for All.
Barbara Flanagan, Cheryl Liebling, and Julie Meltzer
What the Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District Supreme Court Decision Means for You
Sue Gamm, Esq. and Will Gordillo
Whole Child Approach Student Wellness
Will Gordillo
Sustainable Roadmap for Improvement in Special Education
Dr. Jennifer Baribeau
Pathways to Progress Promoting Success for Multilingual Learners with Disabilities
Jacob Klett
Optimizing Staff in Special Education.pdf
Angeline Williams-Jackson
Data Systems and IT Solutions
Addressing a Child’s Call for Help Connecting Social Emotional Well-Being, Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, and Risk Assessment
Will Gordillo
Addressing Sexual Misconduct of Students in K-12 Schools
Will Gordillo
A Practical Framework for Building a Data-Driven District or School: How a Focus on Data Quality, Capacity, and Culture Supports Data-Driven Action to Improve Student Outcomes
David Ronka, Robb Geier, and Malgorzata Marciniak
District Data Teams: A Leadership Structure for Improving Student Achievement
Robb Geier, Stephen Smith, and Mark Tornow
Getting to Effectiveness: The Special Education Transformation Approach
Matthew Korobkin, Dr. Jennifer Meller
Identifying Students At Risk: Early Warning and Intervention Management as a Path to Progress and Equity
Matthew Korobkin
The Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act on Section 504
Sue Gamm, Esq. and Jennifer Meller, Ed.D.
Using Data from Special Education Management Systems to Make District-wide Instructional Imrpovements
Jennifer Meller, Robb Geier, and Anna d’Entremont