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What We Do
PCG provides a comprehensive range of quality IT services. With deep domain expertise in government programs, IT management expertise, and specialized technical expertise, we provide integrated service offerings built on more than 30 years of successfully serving our customers nationwide. Through te...
/technology-consulting/what-we-do/Health Products
AlloCAP ™ - Cost Allocation Plan Software PCG’s proprietary web-based cost allocation tool, AlloCAP™ imports agency financial and statistical information and performs cost allocations in accordance with an agency cost allocation plan. It allocates costs to benefiting programs and produces reports th...
/products/health-products/What We Do
At PCG, we offer a broad and flexible range of services and programmatic support. Our services and support help state, municipal, and private health organizations improve performance and compliance, control costs, and deliver services more effectively to the people who need them. Our clients come to...
/health/what-we-do/Thank you
Thank you for your interest in Public Consulting Group. Your request is being processed. A representative will contact you within a few days. Public Consulting Group 148 State Street 10th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Telephone: 617 426-2026
/contact-us/thank-you/Czym jest Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum jest tekstem stosowanym jako przykładowy wypełniacz w przemyśle poligraficznym. Został po raz pierwszy użyty w XV w. przez nieznanego drukarza do wypełnienia tekstem próbnej książki. Pięć wieków później zaczął być używany przemyśle elektronicznym, pozostając praktycznie niezmienionym. Sp...
/czym-jest-lorem-ipsum/Jason Kelly
Jason Kelly joined PCG in 2021 and serves as Director for the Technology Consulting team. In this role, Jason is responsible for client relations, practice growth, and service delivery. Jason’s focus is on CMS Certification and compliance, MITA, and Medicaid Transformation, which helps clients secur...
/leadership/technology-consulting/jason-kelly/PCG at NAMPI 2024 | New Orleans, LA | August 18-21, 2024
Thank you for visiting our Booth! Public Consulting Group (PCG) is thrilled to attend the annual NAMPI conference this year and engage in conversation around the Program Integrity space. Featured Solutions and Services PCG is pleased to share details on our innovative solutions to some of the bigges...
/lp/pcg-at-nampi-2024-new-orleans-la-august-18-21-2024/PCG at MESC 2024 in Louisville, KY from August 12-15
MESC The Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC) is a premier event where state, federal, and private sector leaders come together to share insights and innovations in Medicaid Enterprise Systems (MES) and health policy. Key topics include procurement strategies, health information technology,...
/lp/pcg-at-mesc-2024-in-louisville-ky-from-august-12-15/Eclipse Certification and Compliance Services
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) certification for enhanced Federal Financial Participation (FFP) has changed significantly, which means how your state’s Medicaid systems qualify for FFP has changed. Eclipse Certification and Compliance Services (ECS) is designed with your proj...
/technology-consulting/eclipse-certification-and-compliance-services/Privacy Policy
Public Consulting Group LLC and its affiliates (collectively referred to as “PCG”) respect the privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information that PCG may collect from you at its websites (each referred to as “the Site”), what we do with that information,...